Cant view gateways stats but they exist

I’m new in Chirpstack. I’ve got a fully functional CS stack with apair of gateways ando a bunch of sensors.
But I’ve a problem with the gateway stats. I want to see them with this command

mosquitto_sub -u 'chirpstack_gw' -P 'password' -t 'gateway/+/event/stat'

but I dont get nothing at all. However I can see they arrive thans to journalctl

mar 11 23:38:39 rP17 chirpstack-gateway-bridge[464]: time="2021-03-11T23:38:39+01:00" level=info msg="integration/mqtt: publishing event" event=stats qos=0 stats_id=f490ab13-606c-4565-9331-XXXXXXXXXXXX topic=gateway/XXXXXXXXXXXX/event/stats

Neither I can’t see them in the application.
Thanks in advance.

(brocaar and contributors. Many thanks for this awesome stack)

Your command is missing the trailing s on stats in the topic.

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Thanks for the reply, but the result is the same with stats.
The problem is that “chirpstack_gw” is subscribed to stats writing but not reading. However “chirpstack_ns” is subscribed for reading to the topic and I can see the stats with this user.