Class C Sample Code

Hi Can anyone share me the Class C sample code

I am using ADAFRUIT FEATHER 32U4 RFM95 LORA RADIO- 868 as my end node.

I am also looking for this. To implement LoRaWAN for Adafruit Feather 32u4 RFM95 , we can use LMIC library. Unfortunately, this lib does not support class C.

Hello @David_Nguyen, @karthirockz Did u guys find anything ??
I am also trying to implement Class C with arduino. But no luck yet…
Also, do u know any other devices which supports Class C… ?


I use the node “murata abz” for a class c setup. This works pretty fine.

Yeah, Thank you @hasiflo someone also suggested me the same…

I`m working hard on class C sample code but still need to work on it. If you know more about Class C please tell me which devices supports Class C Device and is there any Arduino Supported Library for the same?

Adrian Gates
Developer - CloudDesktopOnline