Class C - Sending Data from my Backend to my Sensor


I’m using for the first time the “class c”, so i’m try to send data from my app backend to “lora app” and i want to ask you if these are the steps that must be done :

just publishing topic like this :

application/1/node/70b3d5fffe297207/tx {
“reference”: “actd1238888”,
“confirmed”: true,
“fPort”: 10,
“data”: "AAAA

i have to nothing to modify in the file lora-app-server.toml ? or there is somthing else to do in the app server ?

this is my publish python script exemple :

import paho.mqtt.client as paho
def on_publish(client,userdata,result):             #create function for callback
print("data published \n")

client1= paho.Client("control1")                           #create client object
client1.on_publish = on_publish                          #assign function to callback
client1.connect(broker,port,60)                                 #establish connection
ret= client1.publish("application/5/SENSOR_AT_COM/3131353873378a18/tx","data:jaja")                   

I find how to send the downlink to my app server, but i cant see the “data” :

my publish topic mosquitto :

   mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t application/5/device/3131353873378a18/tx  -m '{"reference": 
   "actd1238888","confirmed": true,"fPort": 10,"data": "AQE=" }'

journalctl -f -n 100 -u lora-app-server :

in app_server interface :

i don’t know why i can’t see the parametre “data”

Hello all, I do have the same problem. Somebody can give us an idea?

Thanks in advance guys!