Corrupted Data Packet in MQTT

Hello Everyone,

I am using Kerlink Outdoor Gateway and I have installed latest SPF and Chirpstack-Gateway-Bridge in the gateway. For the Network Server and Application Server I have used one Raspberry PI 3. Every thing is connected but the problem is that for the time being I don’t have any end device, so , i am getting only keep-alive packet from gateway to RPI. But if i do 'mosquitto_sub -t “#” ', it shows some corrupted data packet like:
PuTTY rv▒
2019-11-08T02:39:54.13132▒▒▒ }
▒鄞 }
▒▒▒▒ }

                                                                                                                                                                                        rv▒▒ ▒?N▒A`▒ ▒1)▒▒7
PuTTY rv▒
2019-11-08T02:39:54.13132▒▒▒ }
▒鄞 }
▒▒▒▒ }

.Please help how to solve this.

I think you are looking at binary data, not corrupted data. Please refer to the marshaler configuration in you ChirpStack Gateway Bridge configuration:

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I followed that page to generate chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml file. Just one doubt, how to get the JSON data or to extract data from those keep alive packet?

I do not have any end point for the time being.

And after that, look at your marshaler setting :slight_smile:

how to get the JSON data or to extract data from those keep alive packet

Set the marshaler setting to json :smiley:


Thank you so much, it worked.