Device Live frames/events and Gateway live frames not comming

Hi @brocaar,

I have deployed chirpstack v4 using docker on Microsoft Azure Machine and registered one gateway the gateway shows online but UI live lorawan frames are not loading

API status shows pending. see attached below screenshot.

Server logs

2023-01-17T06:52:05.470799Z  INFO chirpstack::gateway::backend::mqtt: Message received from gateway region_config_id="in865" topic="in865/gateway/b827ebfffexxxxxx/event/stats" qos=0 json=false
2023-01-17T06:52:05.474145Z  INFO stats{gateway_id=b827ebfffexxxxxx}: chirpstack::storage::gateway: Gateway state and location updated gateway_id=b827ebfffexxxxxx
2023-01-17T06:52:05.474763Z  INFO stats{gateway_id=b827ebfffexxxxxx}: chirpstack::storage::metrics: Metrics saved name=b827ebfffexxxxxx aggregation=HOUR
2023-01-17T06:52:05.475236Z  INFO stats{gateway_id=b827ebfffexxxxxx}: chirpstack::storage::metrics: Metrics saved name=b827ebfffexxxxxx aggregation=DAY
2023-01-17T06:52:05.475640Z  INFO stats{gateway_id=b827ebfffexxxxxx}: chirpstack::storage::metrics: Metrics saved name=b827ebfffexxxxxx aggregation=MONTH
2023-01-17T06:52:09.888604Z  INFO gRPC{uri=/api.GatewayService/Get}: chirpstack::api: Finished processing request status="200" latency=1.801428ms
2023-01-17T06:52:09.931044Z  INFO gRPC{uri=/api.InternalService/StreamGatewayFrames}: chirpstack::api: Finished processing request status="200" latency=1.31592ms

Thanks you

Do you have proxy in between?
If yes, then need to forward those APIs using grpc keyword.

You may search the forum for it.


No, I don’t have a proxy in between.
just clone chirpstack-docker repository and run docker-compose up command.

Open Developer mode and see what is the error log in the web console.

No error was found in developer mode in the console. and network tab shows API status pending

There might be two things:

  • Either it is the proxy issue, which is not streaming the frames to the client
  • Or there aren’t any LoRaWAN frames to show yet… Could that be the case?
  • Either it is the proxy issue, which is not streaming the frames to the client
    → Currently, I have deployed chirpstack using docker so there is no proxy issue

  • Or there aren’t any LoRaWAN frames to show yet… Could that be the case?
    → I have checked Redis streams data and streams already in the redis database

Hi @brocaar

lorawan frames are coming and stored in redis streams I have checked but not showing on UI side.

I’m not sure what to do, I can’t reproduce the issue at my side with the provided information.

This issue also comes in the local server.

I’m unable to reproduce it. I have tested both Chrome and Firefox, and it works fine at my side. Could it be something else which is intercepting data? (browser plugin, antivirus, …)

yes, I guess something else is intercepting data

I’m checking and debugging.

Did you figure out the issue?

I am having the same issue.

Hi @esmanish

There is not any issue with the chirpstack live frames/events.

We are using the SOPHOS firewall. SOPHOS blocking gRPC streams

Events or the LoRaWAN frames tabs empty due to antivirus · Issue #44 · chirpstack/chirpstack (

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