Downlink issue in dragino

  1. I am using RaspberryPi lora/gps hat(Dragino) as the gateway.

  2. I have installed the chirpstack gatewaybridge,chirpstack network server and chirpstack application in my rasperry pi

3.So my raspberrypi is running total four programs (dual_chan_packect forwarder,chirpstack gateaway bridge,chirpstack network server and chirpstack application server).

4.I want to downlink (03 01 11(hex)) to the node(LT-33222(dragino Lora io controller)).

  1. I converted the above hex code to b64 and then enquived but in the acknowledgement window i am getting acknowledgement false

Hey Dude,

im working on the same but dont get a message sent from the LoRa HAT via chirpstack ?!
How do you get it working ? Im using the dual_chan_forwarder too … i recieve messages but dont could sent one ?!


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Hey Snot,
I am able uplink succesfully but i am not abvle to the downlink
Can you please tell me where you are facing the problem in uplink or downlink