End-device not receiving join accept

I am actually working with a dragino LG308N using semtech UDP packet forwarder and chirpstack-gateway-bridge_3.8.0-r1_mips_24kc.ipk to connect to a chirpstack v4 network server.
I followed chirpstack documents (Dragino - ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN® Network Server documentation) and the connection between the gateway and the network server is OK.
The problem is when I try to connect and end-device (in this case dragino LSN50v2.D20), the gateway receives the Join.Request frame but the end-device is not receiving Join Accept, I don´t know if the gateway is not sending it or the end device is not listening. I am using AU915 (SB 915,2 - 916,6).
Below you can find the chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml file of the gateway and the JoinRequest frame.

This configuration provides a Semtech UDP packet-forwarder backend and

integrates with a MQTT broker. Many options and defaults have been omitted

for simplicity.

See Configuration - ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN<sup>®</sup> Network Server for a full

configuration example and documentation.


Minimal frequency (Hz).


Maximum frequency (Hz).



debug=5, info=4, warning=3, error=2, fatal=1, panic=0


Log to syslog.

When set to true, log messages are being written to syslog.


Gateway backend configuration.


Backend type.


Semtech UDP packet-forwarder backend.


ip:port to bind the UDP listener to

Example: to listen on port 1700 for all network interfaces.

This is the listener to which the packet-forwarder forwards its data

so make sure the ‘serv_port_up’ and ‘serv_port_down’ from your

packet-forwarder matches this port.

udp_bind = “”

Integration configuration.


Payload marshaler.

This defines how the MQTT payloads are encoded. Valid options are:

* protobuf: Protobuf encoding

* json: JSON encoding (easier for debugging, but less compact than ‘protobuf’)


MQTT integration configuration.


Event topic template.

event_topic_template=“gateway/{{ .GatewayID }}/event/{{ .EventType }}”

Command topic template.

command_topic_template=“gateway/{{ .GatewayID }}/command/#”

MQTT authentication.


Type defines the MQTT authentication type to use.

Set this to the name of one of the sections below.


# Generic MQTT authentication.
# MQTT server (e.g. scheme://host:port where scheme is tcp, ssl or ws)

#CA cert.
#TLS cert.
#TLS key.

# Connect with the given username (optional)

# Connect with the given password (optional)
      • m_type:“JoinRequest”
      • major:“LoRaWANR1”
    • :arrow_forward:

mic:[] 4 items
* 0:157
* 1:155
* 2:194
* 3:50

  • :arrow_forward:

payload:{} 3 keys
* dev_eui:“a8404139c18398c9”
* dev_nonce:45643
* join_eui:“a000000000000101”

  • :arrow_forward:

rx_info:[] 2 items

  • :arrow_forward:

0:{} 8 keys
* channel:2
* context:“GHLBzQ==”
* gatewayId:“a8404122c81c4150”
* :arrow_forward:

location:{} 2 keys
* latitude:-17.7836957
* longitude:-63.1678783
* :arrow_forward:

metadata:{} 2 keys
* region_common_name:“AU915”
* region_name:“au915_0”
* rssi:-105
* snr:9.199999809265137
* uplinkId:2756136792

  • :arrow_forward:

1:{} 8 keys
* channel:2
* context:“GHLBzQ==”
* gatewayId:“a8404122c81c4150”
* :arrow_forward:

location:{} 2 keys
* latitude:-17.7836957
* longitude:-63.1678783
* :arrow_forward:

metadata:{} 2 keys
* region_common_name:“AU915”
* region_name:“au915_0”
* rssi:-105
* snr:9.199999809265137
* uplinkId:2484542456

  • :arrow_forward:

tx_info:{} 2 keys

  • frequency:915600000
  • :arrow_forward:

modulation:{} 1 key
* :arrow_forward:

lora:{} 3 keys
* bandwidth:125000
* codeRate:“CR_4_5”
* spreadingFactor:10

Please read the v4 migation logs, ChirpStack Gateway Bridge v3.8.x is not supported with ChirpStack v4. As the latest ChirpStack Gateway Bridge will not work on the Dragino gateways because of memory usage, I’ve been working on a smaller replacement. You might want to give this a try:


Thanks broocar, i used a new firmware the vendor sent to me “Dragino Download Server ./downloads/LoRa_Gateway/LPS8/Firmware/Release/Chirpstack-gateway-bridge/” and chirpstack gateway bridge from “https://artifacts.chirpstack.io/vendor/dragino/LG308/chirpstack-gateway-bridge_4.0.3-r1_mips_24kc.ipk”, now it is working fine

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