Error in tektelic micro gateway

your comment does not help anyone. It certainly does not help me and what I am trying to do.I am not totally stupid but I failed to run chirpstack and that is why i am asking for help whomever is listening. I have read suggestion for docker use [ ] and running it with docker-compose up still getting errors in attaching to postgreq DB
I am getting the following error:
time=“2020-04-21T20:22:34Z” level=warning msg=“storage: ping PostgreSQL database error, will retry in 2s” error=“dial tcp XXXXXXX:5432: connect: connection refused”
XXXXXXX - public IP address of AWS and where progress db with port 5432 open in firewall.

martin i am not going to debate with you where there was failure.
bconway if you have time please let me know your configuration

is your Postgresql server configured to listen port on this ip addres (not localhost) to which you try to connect? check the login/pass credentials also.

eugenev Are you describing docker environment or postgres is installed on a host? how do I discover what ip and port DBMGR is configured to listen

firstly in postgresql.conf, postgresql listening only localhost by default, if not configured.

No one said you’re stupid, sorry that you misunderstood. Your attitude is all wrong.

What I was trying to say is that you should be able to fix such basic problems yourself. It just takes a little bit more of YOUR time.
You would, in fact, learn more that way instead of asking someone else to solve problem for you.

If everyone would do it your way, the forum will be full of same basic questions and more important questions would get lost because no one could read through it.
THAT would not help anyone.

Next, you should be much more thankfull when someone offers you help instead of being offended that someone did not help you the way you expected. That’s just rude.

Have a nice day.

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I dont understand why we have to discuss my attitude in this forum. I have a positive attitude and treat everyone with respect. If spent more than enough time looking at the problem I described in detail. If it would be basic i would fix it and don’t bother anyone. But the subject not basic and I am listening to everyone and follow up on ideas to resolve the issue

I dont understand why we have to discuss my attitude in this forum.

I see. We wouldn’t have have to if this was true:

I have a positive attitude and treat everyone with respect.

So please read my previous comment again, especially the last part, and take your time to understand it.

Hello @brocaar

I appreciate your time and involvement in this matter. Can you advise if I should use gateway-bridge on a micro gateway by tektelic that they provided or as @bconway wrote using docker package and gateway-bridge on the server. If you can include configuration file for gateway-bridge as I had doubt at the start of this thread

why you need chirpstack gateway bridge at gateway side? packet forwarder is enough.
all other components (i.e. gw bridge, nw server, app server) you can deploy in the cloud.

Given the trouble you’ve had in this thread, I would recommend using a completely fresh docker-compose with fresh volumes (you should not get any PostgreSQL errors on start). From there, use the packet forward on the Tektelic KONA Micro to point at your cloud/network instance.

There are a lot of good reasons to run the Gateway Bridge on the gateway, but get it all running correctly with the above approach, first.

chirpstack suggests that i cab install gateway-bridge on a server or gateway. I looked at architecture drawings and based on it wanted to install on the tektelic micro gateway. My devices/sensors could be atb very large distance from the server and I decided to use the gateway in the middle. Packet_fwd/concentrator on the gateway close to the devices/sensors communicates with lora/fox radio signals to lora/fox devices/sensor. Then then packet_fwd/concentrator reads MQTT messages generated by host on the gateway.MQTT client on the gateway attaches over internet to MQTT broker on the server (AWS CLOUD in my case). Did I make a mistake???
((( Y )))
± -|- - - - - - - - - - - - -+ xxxxxxxxxxxx ±-------+
|±-±----------+ ±-----+| xx x x xxx | |
|| | | || xx Internet xx | |
|| Concentrator |<----+ Host |<------xx or xx-------->| |
|| | SPI | || xx Intranet xx | Server |
|±-------------+ ±-----+| xxxx x xxxx | |
| ^ ^ | xxxxxxxx | |
| | PPS ±----+ NMEA | | | |
| ±-----| GPS |-------+ | ±-------+
| ±----+ |
| |
| Gateway |
± - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- +

I deployed fresh Ubuntu18 AWS VM and had postgres errors.What should be a dsn in docker configuration files for appserver and network-server?

Just deploy simple topology

(endnode)-----(LoRa GW with builtin packet forwarder)----(internet)-----(all chirpstack components in the cloud)
for example.


That is what I am attempting to do. All chirpstack components are on AWS cloud server except gateway-bridge. The gateway-bridge ipk is on the gateway. I followed the steps for tektelic micro gateway install. The doubt I have is in /etc/default/config.json on the gateway

“You must configure the packet-forwarder on the gateway to forward its data to at port 1700 . The file /etc/default/config.json must contain the following lines:”

“server_address”: “”,
“serv_port_up”: 1700,
“serv_port_down”: 1700,

Should I put the public address of the AWS server where app and network-server is installed?

if you will run gw-bridge on the tektelic, you need to use localhost address
but put the public IP in the gateway bridge .toml file to direct it to all other chirpstack components in the cloud. But I recommend you firstly make simple install all the chirpstack components in the cloud and run packet forwarder only in the tektelic GW
bconway told you the same.

Yes, that is good topic for who are interested in gateway. And I think every technical thing is important. So the upper comments is very helpful for know about this gateway topic. Also beside this I have some information about Online IELTS in Kerala.