Error when trying to add user

After updating to the new application server version 3.11.1, I’m not able to add a new user using the WebUI. It always shows “object does not exist (code: 5)”.
In the logs i see following:

level=info msg="finished unary call with code NotFound" ctx_id=2a8cc320-48fa-4524-b0a2-4dd254b9ad0f error="rpc error: code = NotFound desc = object does not exist" grpc.code=NotFound grpc.method=AddUser grpc.service=api.OrganizationService grpc.start_time="2020-08-26T10:40:56Z" grpc.time_ms=1.838 peer.address="" span.kind=server system=grpc

Maybe this needs better documentation (feel free to create a pull-request :slight_smile: ). What this means is that you add an existing user to an organization. The user itself needs to exist already.

I see. But how can I create a new user now, so that I’m able to add it?

Under “All users” in the left you can create new users (as a global admin user). After that assign it to an organization.

Now I understand. Thx :slight_smile: