Error while trying to add a new Gateway : object does not exist (code 5)

Hi everyone,

I hope you can help me.
I installed Network Server (3.16.6) and Application Server (v3.17.9) few days ago on Ubuntu Server 22.04.

The next step in the process is adding new gateway to my organization.

The issue appears with the gui web-interface and also with the API of the app server.

Screen :

And the Application-Server log’s:

janv. 19 15:04:29 tc-srv-chirpstack chirpstack-application-server[16611]: time=“2023-01-19T15:04:29.621654273Z” level=info msg=“finished unary call with code NotFound” ctx_id=b81631a6-23b2-4959-80c0-447408d87775 error=“rpc error: code = NotFound desc = object does not exist” grpc.code=NotFound grpc.method=Create grpc.service=api.GatewayService grpc.start_time=“2023-01-19T15:04:29Z” grpc.time_ms=3.72 peer.address=“” span.kind=server system=grpc

Network-Server Log’s :

janv. 19 15:04:29 tc-srv-chirpstack chirpstack-network-server[16597]: time=“2023-01-19T15:04:29.621168351Z” level=info msg=“finished unary call with code NotFound” ctx_id=1c36ff50-5367-474c-8373-f19c3ee9322f error=“rpc error: code = NotFound desc = object does not exist” grpc.code=NotFound grpc.method=CreateGateway grpc.service=ns.NetworkServerService grpc.start_time=“2023-01-19T15:04:29Z” grpc.time_ms=0.458 peer.address=“” span.kind=server system=grpc

