Yes, because Join Requests are only allowed at DR0-DR5 at 868.1, .3 and .5MHz.
I have changed that too DR7 in chirpstack but i dont see anything in frames.
How did you change that? Because that is not part of the .toml at all.
Edited the chirpstack code in lrwn/src/region/ and rebuild it. (Not:- im using RFcables.)
Did you use any custom adr plugins to change from dr5 to dr7 and send commands to node?
Well… you’re on your own there. That is very much against the LoRaWAN specification which actively prohibits this behaviour. To be blunt: why the actual heck are you using LoRaWAN when you so so so much need to use cables, custom bandwidth and FSK? There are so many and much better options. Please use LoRaWAN for LoRaWAN activities, and otherwise move to a different solution. And please open up a new topic for these non-compliant questions, to keep this topic clean for normal FSK use(r)s.
Thank you, for your feedback and for pointing out the importance of adhering to the LoRaWAN specification. I understand your concern regarding maintaining compliance with the standard and the relevance of discussing only LoRaWAN-compliant topics in this thread.
To clarify, the specific setup I’m working with has unique requirements that deviate from traditional LoRaWAN use cases, which is why some unconventional methods are being explored. While I agree that alternative solutions might better suit certain needs, my current project is based on leveraging existing hardware and infrastructure, which includes LoRaWAN-capable devices.
I appreciate your suggestion to start a new topic for non-compliant questions, and I will certainly do so to keep this discussion focused on standard use cases. Thank you for your understanding and guidance!
Thank you for the clarification. Without any details of your requirements, it’s difficult to give appropriate advice, so when you open a new topic, please be as complete as possible.
I’d like to plead forum-etiquette: please don’t delete(/edit) posts as the responses now make no sense (#25 is a reasonable question (although answered in #19), which doesn’t warrant the response in #26 which was meant for #24).
These should simply be able to use LoRa on all standard bandwidths and datarates.
And uh… hello ChatGPT.
sure thing. I will take your advice and use lora.