Get node’s used Tx Power for uplink (ADR enabled)


Is there any option to know from Server side or MAC command, that what Tx Power is used in Device?

Thank You

Not yet, but it could be an interesting feature to add more details about the device-state to the UI (the info is internally available).

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how to get this tx power internally?
Is this in any database, I have checked all database tables but didn’t found this info.

In is in the Redis DB. Note that you can print this info using the command line, please run chirpstack --help or chirpstack-network-server --help for info about the print-ds sub-command.

In command :
chirpstack-network-server print-ds xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

F=Getting Error:
WARN[0000] storage: ping PostgreSQL database error, will retry in 2s error=“pq: password authentication failed for user “ubuntu””

How to apply password in this?

I think something like this should work:

chirpstack-network-server -c /etc/chirpstack-network-server/chirpstack-network-server.toml print-ds xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
1 Like

It works and I get “TXPowerIndex”. But I am not able to understand exact meaning of “TXPowerIndex”.

    "MACVersion": "1.0.3",
    "DeviceProfileID": "xxxxx",
    "ServiceProfileID": "xxxxx",
    "RoutingProfileID": "xxxxxxxx",
    "DevAddr": "xxxxxxxx",
    "DevEUI": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "JoinEUI": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "FNwkSIntKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "SNwkSIntKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "NwkSEncKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "AppSKeyEvelope": null,
    "FCntUp": 247,
    "NFCntDown": 530,
    "AFCntDown": 0,
    "ConfFCnt": 227,
    "SkipFCntValidation": true,
    "RXWindow": 0,
    "RXDelay": 1,
    "RX1DROffset": 0,
    "RX2DR": 2,
    "RX2Frequency": 866550000,
    "TXPowerIndex": 5,
    "DR": 5,
    "ADR": true,
    "MinSupportedTXPowerIndex": 0,
    "MaxSupportedTXPowerIndex": 0,
    "NbTrans": 1,
    "EnabledChannels": null,
    "EnabledUplinkChannels": [
    "ExtraUplinkChannels": {
        "3": {
            "Frequency": 865232500,
            "MinDR": 0,
            "MaxDR": 5
        "4": {
            "Frequency": 865572500,
            "MinDR": 0,
            "MaxDR": 5
        "5": {
            "Frequency": 865742500,
            "MinDR": 0,
            "MaxDR": 5
        "6": {
            "Frequency": 865912500,
            "MinDR": 0,
            "MaxDR": 5
        "7": {
            "Frequency": 866155000,
            "MinDR": 0,
            "MaxDR": 5
    "ChannelFrequencies": [
    "UplinkHistory": [
            "FCnt": 239,
            "MaxSNR": 4,
            "MaxRSSI": 0,
            "TXPowerIndex": 0,
            "GatewayCount": 1
            "FCnt": 240,
            "MaxSNR": 5,
            "MaxRSSI": 0,
            "TXPowerIndex": 0,
            "GatewayCount": 1
            "FCnt": 241,
            "MaxSNR": 6,
            "MaxRSSI": 0,
            "TXPowerIndex": 0,
            "GatewayCount": 1
            "FCnt": 242,
            "MaxSNR": 5,
            "MaxRSSI": 0,
            "TXPowerIndex": 1,
            "GatewayCount": 1
            "FCnt": 243,
            "MaxSNR": 0,
            "MaxRSSI": 0,
            "TXPowerIndex": 2,
            "GatewayCount": 1
            "FCnt": 244,
            "MaxSNR": 5,
            "MaxRSSI": 0,
            "TXPowerIndex": 3,
            "GatewayCount": 1
            "FCnt": 245,
            "MaxSNR": 6,
            "MaxRSSI": 0,
            "TXPowerIndex": 4,
            "GatewayCount": 1
            "FCnt": 246,
            "MaxSNR": 1,
            "MaxRSSI": 0,
            "TXPowerIndex": 5,
            "GatewayCount": 1
    "LastDevStatusRequested": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "BeaconLocked": false,
    "PingSlotNb": 0,
    "PingSlotDR": 0,
    "PingSlotFrequency": 0,
    "RejoinRequestEnabled": false,
    "RejoinRequestMaxCountN": 0,
    "RejoinRequestMaxTimeN": 0,
    "RejoinCount0": 0,
    "PendingRejoinDeviceSession": null,
    "ReferenceAltitude": 0,
    "UplinkDwellTime400ms": false,
    "DownlinkDwellTime400ms": false,
    "UplinkMaxEIRPIndex": 0,
    "MACCommandErrorCount": {},
    "IsDisabled": false

Hi @mightyChamp

For TxPowerIndex please follow LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Regional Parameters for IN865 region.
