Global admin when deploying chirpstack with OpenId

After deploying chirpstack with OpenId enabled, we need to access the local admin account. What is the right way to do that. the login form is hidden and only users with Keyclock can login.

Is the following the shortest way to do that:

1- deploy chirpstack with openId not enabled.
2- login with admin/admin
3- Use this account to create user with global admin permissions. This user will authenticate himself using keyclock. So, his email should be transmitted from Keyclock to chirpstack over OpenId later.
4- change the config file to enable openId
5- Now the user can authenticate himself using keyclock and have glabal admin permissions.

6- later, we can use this user to get a token so we can associate other users with organizations.

That, or change the admin email address to the same email address that will be used to login using OpenID Connect :slight_smile: