How to log the join accept and join request messages

Dear Mr. Brocaar,

I have been using your great software for a while and I noticed recently, after having several problems with devices that are not able to join the network, that I don’t know how to log the “join request” and “join accept” messages. I went through the documentation but there is nothing about how to log those messages.

Join request and Join accept messages are published through MQTT ? If yes, what is the topic they are published to ? If not, how to retrieve and log (in a SQL database for example) those messages ?

Thanks a lot,


Please see The topics you’re probably interested in are:

  • gateway/+/rx and
  • gateway/+/tx

Dear Mr. Brocaar,
Thanks a lot for the answer, I was in doubt, I should have tried before asking but now, at least, I’m sure of the method to use :slight_smile:
Sincerely yours