HTTP integration end point

Hello everyone,

I’m using this PHP file with my HTTP integration,

<?php header("Content-type: application/json"); $json = file_get_contents("php://input"); $var = json_decode($json, true); $var2 = implode("|",$var); $dr = $var['dr']; $fCnt =$var['fCnt']; foreach($var['rxInfo'] as $value) { $loRaSNR =$value['loRaSNR']; $server = "localhost:3306"; $username = "root"; $password = ""; $DB = "loraserver"; } $conn = new mysqli($server, $username, $password,$DB); if ($conn->connect_error) { die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error); } $insert = "INSERT INTO loratable(snr, dr, fCnt) VALUES ('$loRaSNR', '$dr', '$fCnt')"; $conn->query($insert); My problem is when I use two gateways, the LoRaSNR from the two gateways comes under the same name, so somebody can help me how I can take both values separately. Thank you

Hi @antoine1992,

Why don’t you upload your uplink message that you receive in the HTTP integration with more than one gateway?

Here it is one uplink of an example of mine with 4 gateways and SNR is inside the array of each gateway, it is not the same for all of them.
