Install and configuration

Hi all

i am looking at installing ChirpStack on our private network and looking for some kinda guidance. Are there any start to finish install guides. i.e which OS to use and general setup instructions; i ahve looked on the install page and it all looks very busy…

Thanks for any assistance :slight_smile:

See this link to what I used to install V3.

BTW, does anyone know whether those instructions can be adapted for chirpstack V4?

A year ago, I used above instructions to install chirpstack V3 with (at the time) postgressql rev 12. It’s been running great since, but I really yearn to make use of features of V4 (TTN CODECS!)

Yesterday, I installed postgressql rel 14 and next need to migrate data (under ubuntu, likely using pg_upgrade).

Then, I need to install chirpstack 4 and run the V3-to-V4 migrate tool recently released. Then, I to hopefully I can configure chirpstack V4 with rel 14 and kill off chipstack V3.

Is that plan recommended?
Will that be sufficient to pick up where I left off?