"JoinRequest" received in Gateway Lorawan Frames but not in device Lorawan frames

In Gateway Lorawan frames:

This is the DevEUI I’m creating the device with. I’m making sure is the right DevEUI, and it also matches the DevEUI in the image above:

In Device Lorawan frames I don’t see any frames:

According to the documentation, this issue might be a symptom of wrong DevEUI configured, but I’m making sure this number is correct (as seen above):


What am I missing?
Any help is appreciated!

What does the device data tab show?

Hi broccar,

Device data tab shows no data as well:

Then I don’t know. Did you look at the server log output?

Hello Brocaar; I am also facing same issue; Please find the log from server.

Jan 06 04:40:34 ip-172-31-45-14 chirpstack-network-server[19443]: time=“2022-01-06T04:40:34.395068203Z” level=info msg=“gateway/mqtt: uplink frame received” gateway_id=7276ff0039040458 uplink_id=de2a7885-4759-495c-99b4-d88962cc5397
Jan 06 04:40:34 ip-172-31-45-14 chirpstack-network-server[19443]: time=“2022-01-06T04:40:34.595967084Z” level=info msg=“uplink: frame(s) collected” ctx_id=4b523591-bd28-437b-bbff-b43a21b5525f mtype=UnconfirmedDataUp uplink_ids="[de2a7885-4759-495c-99b4-d88962cc5397]"
Jan 06 04:40:34 ip-172-31-45-14 chirpstack-network-server[19443]: time=“2022-01-06T04:40:34.596349408Z” level=error msg=“uplink: processing uplink frame error” ctx_id=4b523591-bd28-437b-bbff-b43a21b5525f error=“get device-session error: object does not exist”

I found the issue! I was assigning the application to a “Service Profile” that the gateway did not belong to. I made sure that the gateway and the device application were under the same service profile, and it worked!


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