List tenants by tags values using gRPC API


Is there any way to fetch the list of tenants / gateways / devices / applications by specifing the tag by using the gRPC API?

For instance I have a bunch of tenants with this tag "region": "europe"
Is there any exposed API that gets a list of tags and searches for them in database and returns the result, Like global_search?

@brocaar Are you considering this feature? From what I’ve explored in the repository, I see two potential approaches:

Expose the global_search method or create a new one: I’m unsure which service would be appropriate for this.

Add a tags filter to each List API call: Currently, we have the search parameter for querying entity names. What if we also introduced a map<string, string> tags parameter?

Or is there another way of doing this?

Yes, I agree this could be interesting to add. Probably list filters makes the most sense if you want to use this through the API.

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