I have been looking at testing the LoRa gateway OS for sensor validations and it seems that Multitech LoRa gateways are not supported yet.
Could we get that added to the list?
I have been looking at testing the LoRa gateway OS for sensor validations and it seems that Multitech LoRa gateways are not supported yet.
Could we get that added to the list?
Contributions are welcome, but this is not an easy task. Both the LORIX One and Raspberry Pi BSP layers for Yocto were easy to work with since they were up-to-date with the (then) latest Yocto version. For Multitech this needs to be updated. Summarized this will be updating the following recipes:
Examples can be found here for the LORIX One gateway: https://github.com/brocaar/lora-gateway-os/tree/master/layers/targets/meta-wifx
You will find recipes for the Multitech Conduit here: http://git.multitech.net/cgi-bin/cgit.cgi.
Thanks for your quick response. I will take a look at it and see what it takes to get it done if this is the best option.