Microchip RN2903 Class C

Hello everyone!
I have a problem with the RN2903 module, the situation is as follows:

  1. I am from Brazil, where the Australian standard is used (frequency 915-928)
  2. I acquired the Kerlink iStation Gateway, anatel certified (Brazilian regulatory body), which only listens on frequency 915-928
  3. I acquired the RN2903 module that supports class A and class C firmware. But support for class C firmware was only implemented in version 1.0.5
  4. The firmware for the Australian standard is 1.0.3, which does not have support for class C firmware
  5. When I download firmware 1.0.3 I have perfect communication between module and gateway, but I really need to use class C firmware in my project. When I put firmware 1.0.5, it is impossible to establish communication between module and gateway, as both are fixed to work at the given frequency.

Please, how do I use a class C firmware in the Australian standard for this module?