MQTT Integration not working

Dear all,

I am using Chirpstack Gateway OS full and everything is working well except the MQTT integration for the Application server that is why I am asking your help in this category.

I want to use the MQTT integration backend of the Chirpstack Application Server but I have some issues when I want to receive frames.
Indeed I can see with mosquitto_sub the data in the topic gateway/# but nothing in application/#
When I look at the log, the connection to the broker seems OK but nothing happens in related MQTT topics application/#.

Below my configuration:

  • Raspberrypi3 b+ with IMST IC880A
  • Chirpstack Gateway OS full, version 3.3.2 (so chirpstack application
    server v3.12.1)
  • chirpstack-application-server.toml



  # Integration configures the data integration.
  # This is the data integration which is available for all applications,
  # besides the extra integrations that can be added on a per-application
  # basis.
  # Payload marshaler.
  # This defines how the MQTT payloads are encoded. Valid options are:
  # * protobuf:  Protobuf encoding
  # * json:      JSON encoding (easier for debugging, but less compact than 'protobuf')
  # * json_v3:   v3 JSON (will be removed in the next major release)

  # Enabled integrations.
  # Enabled integrations are enabled for all applications. Multiple
  # integrations can be configured.
  # Do not forget to configure the related configuration section below for
  # the enabled integrations. Integrations that can be enabled are:
  # * mqtt              - MQTT broker
  # * amqp              - AMQP / RabbitMQ
  # * aws_sns           - AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS)
  # * azure_service_bus - Azure Service-Bus
  # * gcp_pub_sub       - Google Cloud Pub/Sub
  # * kafka             - Kafka distributed streaming platform
  # * postgresql        - PostgreSQL database

  # MQTT integration backend.
  # Event topic template.
  event_topic_template="application/{{ .ApplicationID }}/device/{{ .DevEUI }}/event/{{ .EventType }}"

  # Command topic template.
  command_topic_template="application/{{ .ApplicationID }}/device/{{ .DevEUI }}/command/{{ .CommandType }}"

  # Retain events.
  # The MQTT broker will store the last publised message, when retain events is set
  # to true. When a MQTT client connects and subscribes, it will always receive the
  # last published message.

  # MQTT server (e.g. scheme://host:port where scheme is tcp, ssl or ws)

  # Connect with the given username (optional)

  # Connect with the given password (optional)

  # Maximum interval that will be waited between reconnection attempts when connection is lost.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
  # Valid units are 'ms', 's', 'm', 'h'. Note that these values can be combined, e.g. '24h30m15s'.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
  # Quality of service level                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
  # 0: at most once                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
  # 1: at least once                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
  # 2: exactly once                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
  # Note: an increase of this value will decrease the performance.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
  # For more information:                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
  # Clean session                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
  # Set the "clean session" flag in the connect message when this client                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
  # connects to an MQTT broker. By setting this flag you are indicating                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
  # that no messages saved by the broker for this client should be delivered.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
  # Client ID                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
  # Set the client id to be used by this client when connecting to the MQTT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
  # broker. A client id must be no longer than 23 characters. When left blank,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
  # a random id will be generated. This requires clean_session=true.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
  # CA certificate file (optional)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
  # Use this when setting up a secure connection (when server uses ssl://...)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
  # but the certificate used by the server is not trusted by any CA certificate                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
  # on the server (e.g. when self generated).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
  # TLS certificate file (optional)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
  # TLS key file (optional)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

To debug I look at my log with

raspberrypi3:~$ sudo monit restart chirpstack-application-server
raspberrypi3:~$ tail -f /var/log/messages
Sep 10 16:38:11 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-application-server[928]: time="2020-09-10T16:38:11Z" level=info msg="integration: configuring global integrations"
Sep 10 16:38:11 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-application-server[928]: time="2020-09-10T16:38:11Z" level=info msg="integration/mqtt: TLS config is empty"
Sep 10 16:38:11 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-application-server[928]: time="2020-09-10T16:38:11Z" level=info msg="integration/mqtt: connecting to mqtt broker" server="tcp://"
Sep 10 16:38:11 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-application-server[928]: time="2020-09-10T16:38:11Z" level=info msg="api/as: starting application-server api" bind="" ca_cert= tls_cert= tls_key=
Sep 10 16:38:11 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-application-server[928]: time="2020-09-10T16:38:11Z" level=info msg="integration/mqtt: connected to mqtt broker"
Sep 10 16:38:11 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-application-server[928]: time="2020-09-10T16:38:11Z" level=info msg="integration/mqtt: subscribing to tx topic" qos=0 topic=application/+/device/+/command/down
Sep 10 16:38:11 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-application-server[928]: time="2020-09-10T16:38:11Z" level=info msg="api/external: starting api server" bind="" tls-cert= tls-key=
Sep 10 16:38:11 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-application-server[928]: time="2020-09-10T16:38:11Z" level=info msg="api/external: registering rest api handler and documentation endpoint" path=/api
Sep 10 16:38:11 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-application-server[928]: time="2020-09-10T16:38:11Z" level=info msg="api/js: starting join-server api" bind="" ca_cert= tls_cert= tls_key=
Sep 10 16:38:11 raspberrypi3 authpriv.notice sudo:    admin : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/admin ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/tail -f /var/log/messages
Sep 10 16:38:11 raspberrypi3 user.err chirpstack-network-server[365]: time="2020-09-10T16:38:11Z" level=error msg="gateway: handle gateway stats error" ctx_id=efaf74e6-f7ca-45c7-b60d-a26ec8cd03ab error="get application-server client error: get application-server client err
Sep 10 16:38:16 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[505]: Frame received, uplink_id: d7762e5c-5252-4fdd-b711-8e8343128e17, count_us: 2292467156, freq: 868100000, bw: 125000, mod: LoRa, dr: SF12
Sep 10 16:38:16 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-gateway-bridge[613]: time="2020-09-10T16:38:16Z" level=info msg="backend/concentratord: uplink event received" uplink_id=d7762e5c-5252-4fdd-b711-8e8343128e17
Sep 10 16:38:16 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-gateway-bridge[613]: time="2020-09-10T16:38:16Z" level=info msg="integration/mqtt: publishing event" event=up qos=0 topic=gateway/b827ebfffed5b60e/event/up uplink_id=d7762e5c-5252-4fdd-b711-8e8343128e17
Sep 10 16:38:16 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-network-server[365]: time="2020-09-10T16:38:16Z" level=info msg="gateway/mqtt: uplink frame received" gateway_id=b827ebfffed5b60e uplink_id=d7762e5c-5252-4fdd-b711-8e8343128e17
Sep 10 16:38:16 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-network-server[365]: time="2020-09-10T16:38:16Z" level=info msg="uplink: frame(s) collected" ctx_id=bb6210f3-bec6-4b02-af79-970f4956a9ff mtype=UnconfirmedDataUp uplink_ids="[d7762e5c-5252-4fdd-b711-8e8343128e17]"
Sep 10 16:38:16 raspberrypi3 user.warn chirpstack-network-server[365]: time="2020-09-10T16:38:16Z" level=warning msg="creating insecure application-server client" server="localhost:8001"

If you have some ideas or had the same problems I would appreciate some hints.



You can run chirpstack-application-server configfile to generate a default config file. You should be able to see some MQTT settings in there. It doesn’t look like it’s configured on your side.

I regenerate the configfile as suggest but it doesn’t change anything.
Two month ago I had the same issue and I solved it but today with my new install impossible to remember what I have done exactly.

If you have some more ideas I would appreciate some hints.



It would be good to paste your current config, because the output you provided before is very different from my default config…

example default config:

# Log level
# debug=5, info=4, warning=3, error=2, fatal=1, panic=0

# Log to syslog.
# When set to true, log messages are being written to syslog.

# The number of times passwords must be hashed. A higher number is safer as
# an attack takes more time to perform.

# PostgreSQL settings.
# Please note that PostgreSQL 9.5+ is required.
# PostgreSQL dsn (e.g.: postgres://user:password@hostname/database?sslmode=disable).
# Besides using an URL (e.g. 'postgres://user:password@hostname/database?sslmode=disable')
# it is also possible to use the following format:
# 'user=chirpstack_as dbname=chirpstack_as sslmode=disable'.
# The following connection parameters are supported:
# * dbname - The name of the database to connect to
# * user - The user to sign in as
# * password - The user's password
# * host - The host to connect to. Values that start with / are for unix domain sockets. (default is localhost)
# * port - The port to bind to. (default is 5432)
# * sslmode - Whether or not to use SSL (default is require, this is not the default for libpq)
# * fallback_application_name - An application_name to fall back to if one isn't provided.
# * connect_timeout - Maximum wait for connection, in seconds. Zero or not specified means wait indefinitely.
# * sslcert - Cert file location. The file must contain PEM encoded data.
# * sslkey - Key file location. The file must contain PEM encoded data.
# * sslrootcert - The location of the root certificate file. The file must contain PEM encoded data.
# Valid values for sslmode are:
# * disable - No SSL
# * require - Always SSL (skip verification)
# * verify-ca - Always SSL (verify that the certificate presented by the server was signed by a trusted CA)
# * verify-full - Always SSL (verify that the certification presented by the server was signed by a trusted CA and the server host name matches the one in the certificate)

# Automatically apply database migrations.
# It is possible to apply the database-migrations by hand
# (see
# or let ChirpStack Application Server migrate to the latest state automatically, by using
# this setting. Make sure that you always make a backup when upgrading Lora
# App Server and / or applying migrations.

# Max open connections.
# This sets the max. number of open connections that are allowed in the
# PostgreSQL connection pool (0 = unlimited).

# Max idle connections.
# This sets the max. number of idle connections in the PostgreSQL connection
# pool (0 = no idle connections are retained).

# Redis settings
# Please note that Redis 2.6.0+ is required.

# Server address or addresses.
# Set multiple addresses when connecting to a cluster.

# Password.
# Set the password when connecting to Redis requires password authentication.

# Database index.
# By default, this can be a number between 0-15.

# Redis Cluster.
# Set this to true when the provided URLs are pointing to a Redis Cluster
# instance.

# Master name.
# Set the master name when the provided URLs are pointing to a Redis Sentinel
# instance.

# Connection pool size.
# Default (when set to 0) is 10 connections per every CPU.

# Application-server settings.
# Application-server identifier.
# Random UUID defining the id of the application-server installation (used by
# ChirpStack Network Server as routing-profile id).
# For now it is recommended to not change this id.

  # User authentication

    # OpenID Connect.

    # Enable OpenID Connect authentication.
    # Enabling this option replaces password authentication.

    # Registration enabled.
    # Enabling this will automatically register the user when it is not yet present
    # in the ChirpStack Application Server database. There is no
    # registration form as the user information is automatically received using the
    # OpenID Connect provided information.
    # The user will not be associated with any organization, but in order to
    # facilitate the automatic onboarding of users, it is possible to configure a
    # registration callback URL (next config option).

    # Registration callback URL.
    # This (optional) endpoint will be called on the registration of the user and
    # can implement the association of the user with an organization, create a new
    # organization, ...
    # ChirpStack Application Server will make a HTTP POST call to this endpoint,
    # with the URL parameter user_id.

    # Provider URL.
    # This is the URL of the OpenID Connect provider.

    # Client ID.

    # Client secret.

    # Redirect URL.
    # This must contain the ChirpStack Application Server web-interface hostname
    # with '/auth/oidc/callback' path, e.g.

    # Logout URL.
    # When set, ChirpStack Application Server will redirect to this URL instead
    # of redirecting to the login page.

    # Login label.
    # The login label is used in the web-interface login form.

  # JavaScript codec settings.
  # Maximum execution time.

  # Integration configures the data integration.
  # This is the data integration which is available for all applications,
  # besides the extra integrations that can be added on a per-application
  # basis.
  # Payload marshaler.
  # This defines how the MQTT payloads are encoded. Valid options are:
  # * protobuf:  Protobuf encoding
  # * json:      JSON encoding (easier for debugging, but less compact than 'protobuf')
  # * json_v3:   v3 JSON (will be removed in the next major release)

  # Enabled integrations.
  # Enabled integrations are enabled for all applications. Multiple
  # integrations can be configured.
  # Do not forget to configure the related configuration section below for
  # the enabled integrations. Integrations that can be enabled are:
  # * mqtt              - MQTT broker
  # * amqp              - AMQP / RabbitMQ
  # * aws_sns           - AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS)
  # * azure_service_bus - Azure Service-Bus
  # * gcp_pub_sub       - Google Cloud Pub/Sub
  # * kafka             - Kafka distributed streaming platform
  # * postgresql        - PostgreSQL database

  # MQTT integration backend.
  # Event topic template.
  event_topic_template="application/{{ .ApplicationID }}/device/{{ .DevEUI }}/event/{{ .EventType }}"

  # Command topic template.
  command_topic_template="application/{{ .ApplicationID }}/device/{{ .DevEUI }}/command/{{ .CommandType }}"

  # Retain events.
  # The MQTT broker will store the last publised message, when retain events is set
  # to true. When a MQTT client connects and subscribes, it will always receive the
  # last published message.

  # MQTT server (e.g. scheme://host:port where scheme is tcp, ssl or ws)

  # Connect with the given username (optional)

  # Connect with the given password (optional)

  # Maximum interval that will be waited between reconnection attempts when connection is lost.
  # Valid units are 'ms', 's', 'm', 'h'. Note that these values can be combined, e.g. '24h30m15s'.

  # Quality of service level
  # 0: at most once
  # 1: at least once
  # 2: exactly once
  # Note: an increase of this value will decrease the performance.
  # For more information:

  # Clean session
  # Set the "clean session" flag in the connect message when this client
  # connects to an MQTT broker. By setting this flag you are indicating
  # that no messages saved by the broker for this client should be delivered.

  # Client ID
  # Set the client id to be used by this client when connecting to the MQTT
  # broker. A client id must be no longer than 23 characters. When left blank,
  # a random id will be generated. This requires clean_session=true.

  # CA certificate file (optional)
  # Use this when setting up a secure connection (when server uses ssl://...)
  # but the certificate used by the server is not trusted by any CA certificate
  # on the server (e.g. when self generated).

  # TLS certificate file (optional)

  # TLS key file (optional)

  # AMQP / RabbitMQ.
  # Server URL.
  # See for a specification of all the possible options:

  # Event routing key template.
  # This is the event routing-key template used when publishing device
  # events.
  event_routing_key_template="application.{{ .ApplicationID }}.device.{{ .DevEUI }}.event.{{ .EventType }}"

  # AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS)
  # AWS region.
  # Example: "eu-west-1".
  # See also:

  # AWS Access Key ID.

  # AWS Secret Access Key.

  # Topic ARN (SNS).

  # Azure Service-Bus integration.
  # Connection string.
  # The connection string can be found / created in the Azure console under
  # Settings -> Shared access policies. The policy must contain Manage & Send.

  # Publish mode.
  # Select either "topic", or "queue".

  # Publish name.
  # The name of the topic or queue.

  # Google Cloud Pub/Sub integration.
  # Path to the IAM service-account credentials file.
  # Note: this service-account must have the following Pub/Sub roles:
  #  * Pub/Sub Editor

  # Google Cloud project id.

  # Pub/Sub topic name.

  # Kafka integration.
  # Brokers, e.g.: localhost:9092.

  # TLS.
  # Set this to true when the Kafka client must connect using TLS to the Broker.

  # Topic for events.

  # Template for keys included in Kafka messages. If empty, no key is included.
  # Kafka uses the key for distributing messages over partitions. You can use
  # this to ensure some subset of messages end up in the same partition, so
  # they can be consumed in-order. And Kafka can use the key for data retention
  # decisions.  A header "event" with the event type is included in each
  # message. There is no need to parse it from the key.
  event_key_template="application.{{ .ApplicationID }}.device.{{ .DevEUI }}.event.{{ .EventType }}"

  # Username (optional).

  # Password (optional).

  # PostgreSQL database integration.
  # PostgreSQL dsn (e.g.: postgres://user:password@hostname/database?sslmode=disable).

  # This sets the max. number of open connections that are allowed in the
  # PostgreSQL connection pool (0 = unlimited).

  # Max idle connections.
  # This sets the max. number of idle connections in the PostgreSQL connection
  # pool (0 = no idle connections are retained).

  # Settings for the "internal api"
  # This is the API used by ChirpStack Network Server to communicate with ChirpStack Application Server
  # and should not be exposed to the end-user.
  # ip:port to bind the api server

  # ca certificate used by the api server (optional)

  # tls certificate used by the api server (optional)

  # tls key used by the api server (optional)

  # Public ip:port of the application-server API.
  # This is used by ChirpStack Network Server to connect to ChirpStack Application Server. When running
  # ChirpStack Application Server on a different host than ChirpStack Network Server, make sure to set
  # this to the host:ip on which ChirpStack Network Server can reach ChirpStack Application Server.
  # The port must be equal to the port configured by the 'bind' flag
  # above.

  # Settings for the "external api"
  # This is the API and web-interface exposed to the end-user.
  # ip:port to bind the (user facing) http server to (web-interface and REST / gRPC api)

  # http server TLS certificate (optional)

  # http server TLS key (optional)

  # JWT secret used for api authentication / authorization
  # You could generate this by executing 'openssl rand -base64 32' for example

  # Allow origin header (CORS).
  # Set this to allows cross-domain communication from the browser (CORS).
  # Example value:
  # When left blank (default), CORS will not be used.

  # Settings for the remote multicast setup.
  # Synchronization interval.

  # Synchronization retries.

  # Synchronization batch-size.

  # Settings for the fragmentation-session setup.
  # Synchronization interval.

  # Synchronization retries.

  # Synchronization batch-size.

# Join-server configuration.
# ChirpStack Application Server implements a (subset) of the join-api specified by the
# LoRaWAN Backend Interfaces specification. This API is used by ChirpStack Network Server
# to handle join-requests.
# ip:port to bind the join-server api interface to

# CA certificate (optional).
# When set, the server requires a client-certificate and will validate this
# certificate on incoming requests.

# TLS server-certificate (optional).
# Set this to enable TLS.

# TLS server-certificate key (optional).
# Set this to enable TLS.

# Key Encryption Key (KEK) configuration.
# The KEK mechanism is used to encrypt the session-keys sent from the
# join-server to the network-server.
# The ChirpStack Application Server join-server will use the NetID of the requesting
# network-server as the KEK label. When no such label exists in the set,
# the session-keys will be sent unencrypted (which can be fine for
# private networks).
# Please refer to the LoRaWAN Backend Interface specification
# 'Key Transport Security' section for more information.

  # Application-server KEK label.
  # This defines the KEK label used to encrypt the AppSKey (note that the
  # AppSKey is signaled to the NS and on the first received uplink from the
  # NS to the AS).
  # When left blank, the AppSKey will be sent unencrypted (which can be fine
  # for private networks).

  # KEK set.
  # Example (the [[join_server.kek.set]] can be repeated):
  # [[join_server.kek.set]]
  # # KEK label.
  # label="000000"

  # # Key Encryption Key.
  # kek="01020304050607080102030405060708"

# Metrics collection settings.
# Timezone
# The timezone is used for correctly aggregating the metrics (e.g. per hour,
# day or month).
# Example: "Europe/Amsterdam" or "Local" for the the system's local time zone.

  # Metrics stored in Redis.
  # The following metrics are stored in Redis:
  # * gateway statistics
  # Aggregation intervals
  # The intervals on which to aggregate. Available options are:
  # 'MINUTE', 'HOUR', 'DAY', 'MONTH'.
  aggregation_intervals=["MINUTE", "HOUR", "DAY", "MONTH"]

  # Aggregated statistics storage duration.

  # Metrics stored in Prometheus.
  # These metrics expose information about the state of the ChirpStack Network Server
  # instance.
  # Enable Prometheus metrics endpoint.

  # The ip:port to bind the Prometheus metrics server to for serving the
  # metrics endpoint.

  # API timing histogram.
  # By setting this to true, the API request timing histogram will be enabled.
  # See also:

  # Monitoring settings.
  # Note that this replaces the metrics.prometheus configuration. If a
  # metrics.prometheus if found in the configuration then it will fall back
  # to that and the monitoring section is ignored.

  # IP:port to bind the monitoring endpoint to.
  # When left blank, the monitoring endpoint will be disabled.

  # Prometheus metrics endpoint.
  # When set to true, Prometheus metrics will be served at '/metrics'.

  # Prometheus API timing histogram.
  # By setting this to true, the API request timing histogram will be enabled.
  # See also:

  # Health check endpoint.
  # When set to true, the healthcheck endpoint will be served at '/health'.
  # When requesting, this endpoint will perform the following actions to
  # determine the health of this service:
  #   * Ping PostgreSQL database
  #   * Ping Redis database

I haven’t tried MQTT integration myself, but will give it a shot a bit later today.


Here is my current config:

# Log level
# debug=5, info=4, warning=3, error=2, fatal=1, panic=0

# Log to syslog.
# When set to true, log messages are being written to syslog.

# The number of times passwords must be hashed. A higher number is safer as
# an attack takes more time to perform.

# PostgreSQL settings.
# Please note that PostgreSQL 9.5+ is required.
# PostgreSQL dsn (e.g.: postgres://user:password@hostname/database?sslmode=disable).
# Besides using an URL (e.g. 'postgres://user:password@hostname/database?sslmode=disable')
# it is also possible to use the following format:
# 'user=chirpstack_as dbname=chirpstack_as sslmode=disable'.
# The following connection parameters are supported:
# * dbname - The name of the database to connect to
# * user - The user to sign in as
# * password - The user's password
# * host - The host to connect to. Values that start with / are for unix domain sockets. (default is localhost)
# * port - The port to bind to. (default is 5432)
# * sslmode - Whether or not to use SSL (default is require, this is not the default for libpq)
# * fallback_application_name - An application_name to fall back to if one isn't provided.
# * connect_timeout - Maximum wait for connection, in seconds. Zero or not specified means wait indefinitely.
# * sslcert - Cert file location. The file must contain PEM encoded data.
# * sslkey - Key file location. The file must contain PEM encoded data.
# * sslrootcert - The location of the root certificate file. The file must contain PEM encoded data.
# Valid values for sslmode are:
# * disable - No SSL
# * require - Always SSL (skip verification)
# * verify-ca - Always SSL (verify that the certificate presented by the server was signed by a trusted CA)
# * verify-full - Always SSL (verify that the certification presented by the server was signed by a trusted CA and the server host name matches the one in the certificate)

# Automatically apply database migrations.
# It is possible to apply the database-migrations by hand
# (see
# or let ChirpStack Application Server migrate to the latest state automatically, by using
# this setting. Make sure that you always make a backup when upgrading Lora
# App Server and / or applying migrations.

# Max open connections.
# This sets the max. number of open connections that are allowed in the
# PostgreSQL connection pool (0 = unlimited).

# Max idle connections.
# This sets the max. number of idle connections in the PostgreSQL connection
# pool (0 = no idle connections are retained).

# Redis settings
# Please note that Redis 2.6.0+ is required.

# Server address or addresses.
# Set multiple addresses when connecting to a cluster.

# Password.
# Set the password when connecting to Redis requires password authentication.

# Database index.
# By default, this can be a number between 0-15.

# Redis Cluster.
# Set this to true when the provided URLs are pointing to a Redis Cluster
# instance.

# Master name.
# Set the master name when the provided URLs are pointing to a Redis Sentinel
# instance.

# Connection pool size.
# Default (when set to 0) is 10 connections per every CPU.

# Application-server settings.
# Application-server identifier.
# Random UUID defining the id of the application-server installation (used by
# ChirpStack Network Server as routing-profile id).
# For now it is recommended to not change this id.

  # User authentication

    # OpenID Connect.

    # Enable OpenID Connect authentication.
    # Enabling this option replaces password authentication.

    # Registration enabled.
    # Enabling this will automatically register the user when it is not yet present
    # in the ChirpStack Application Server database. There is no
    # registration form as the user information is automatically received using the
    # OpenID Connect provided information.
    # The user will not be associated with any organization, but in order to
    # facilitate the automatic onboarding of users, it is possible to configure a
    # registration callback URL (next config option).

    # Registration callback URL.
    # This (optional) endpoint will be called on the registration of the user and
    # can implement the association of the user with an organization, create a new
    # organization, ...
    # ChirpStack Application Server will make a HTTP POST call to this endpoint,
    # with the URL parameter user_id.

    # Provider URL.
    # This is the URL of the OpenID Connect provider.

    # Client ID.

    # Client secret.

    # Redirect URL.
    # This must contain the ChirpStack Application Server web-interface hostname
    # with '/auth/oidc/callback' path, e.g.

	# Logout URL.
	# When set, ChirpStack Application Server will redirect to this URL instead
	# of redirecting to the login page.

    # Login label.
    # The login label is used in the web-interface login form.

  # JavaScript codec settings.
  # Maximum execution time.

  # Integration configures the data integration.
  # This is the data integration which is available for all applications,
  # besides the extra integrations that can be added on a per-application
  # basis.
  # Payload marshaler.
  # This defines how the MQTT payloads are encoded. Valid options are:
  # * protobuf:  Protobuf encoding
  # * json:      JSON encoding (easier for debugging, but less compact than 'protobuf')
  # * json_v3:   v3 JSON (will be removed in the next major release)

  # Enabled integrations.
  # Enabled integrations are enabled for all applications. Multiple
  # integrations can be configured.
  # Do not forget to configure the related configuration section below for
  # the enabled integrations. Integrations that can be enabled are:
  # * mqtt              - MQTT broker
  # * amqp              - AMQP / RabbitMQ
  # * aws_sns           - AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS)
  # * azure_service_bus - Azure Service-Bus
  # * gcp_pub_sub       - Google Cloud Pub/Sub
  # * kafka             - Kafka distributed streaming platform
  # * postgresql        - PostgreSQL database

  # MQTT integration backend.
  # Event topic template.
  event_topic_template="application/{{ .ApplicationID }}/device/{{ .DevEUI }}/event/{{ .EventType }}"

  # Command topic template.
  command_topic_template="application/{{ .ApplicationID }}/device/{{ .DevEUI }}/command/{{ .CommandType }}"

  # Retain events.
  # The MQTT broker will store the last publised message, when retain events is set
  # to true. When a MQTT client connects and subscribes, it will always receive the
  # last published message.

  # MQTT server (e.g. scheme://host:port where scheme is tcp, ssl or ws)

  # Connect with the given username (optional)

  # Connect with the given password (optional)

  # Maximum interval that will be waited between reconnection attempts when connection is lost.
  # Valid units are 'ms', 's', 'm', 'h'. Note that these values can be combined, e.g. '24h30m15s'.

  # Quality of service level
  # 0: at most once
  # 1: at least once
  # 2: exactly once
  # Note: an increase of this value will decrease the performance.
  # For more information:

  # Clean session
  # Set the "clean session" flag in the connect message when this client
  # connects to an MQTT broker. By setting this flag you are indicating
  # that no messages saved by the broker for this client should be delivered.

  # Client ID
  # Set the client id to be used by this client when connecting to the MQTT
  # broker. A client id must be no longer than 23 characters. When left blank,
  # a random id will be generated. This requires clean_session=true.

  # CA certificate file (optional)
  # Use this when setting up a secure connection (when server uses ssl://...)
  # but the certificate used by the server is not trusted by any CA certificate
  # on the server (e.g. when self generated).

  # TLS certificate file (optional)

  # TLS key file (optional)

  # AMQP / RabbitMQ.
  # Server URL.
  # See for a specification of all the possible options:

  # Event routing key template.
  # This is the event routing-key template used when publishing device
  # events.
  event_routing_key_template="application.{{ .ApplicationID }}.device.{{ .DevEUI }}.event.{{ .EventType }}"

  # AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS)
  # AWS region.
  # Example: "eu-west-1".
  # See also:

  # AWS Access Key ID.

  # AWS Secret Access Key.

  # Topic ARN (SNS).

  # Azure Service-Bus integration.
  # Connection string.
  # The connection string can be found / created in the Azure console under
  # Settings -> Shared access policies. The policy must contain Manage & Send.

  # Publish mode.
  # Select either "topic", or "queue".

  # Publish name.
  # The name of the topic or queue.

  # Google Cloud Pub/Sub integration.
  # Path to the IAM service-account credentials file.
  # Note: this service-account must have the following Pub/Sub roles:
  #  * Pub/Sub Editor

  # Google Cloud project id.

  # Pub/Sub topic name.

  # Kafka integration.
  # Brokers, e.g.: localhost:9092.

  # TLS.
  # Set this to true when the Kafka client must connect using TLS to the Broker.

  # Topic for events.

  # Template for keys included in Kafka messages. If empty, no key is included.
  # Kafka uses the key for distributing messages over partitions. You can use
  # this to ensure some subset of messages end up in the same partition, so
  # they can be consumed in-order. And Kafka can use the key for data retention
  # decisions.  A header "event" with the event type is included in each
  # message. There is no need to parse it from the key.
  event_key_template="application.{{ .ApplicationID }}.device.{{ .DevEUI }}.event.{{ .EventType }}"

  # Username (optional).

  # Password (optional).

  # PostgreSQL database integration.
  # PostgreSQL dsn (e.g.: postgres://user:password@hostname/database?sslmode=disable).

  # This sets the max. number of open connections that are allowed in the
  # PostgreSQL connection pool (0 = unlimited).

  # Max idle connections.
  # This sets the max. number of idle connections in the PostgreSQL connection
  # pool (0 = no idle connections are retained).

  # Settings for the "internal api"
  # This is the API used by ChirpStack Network Server to communicate with ChirpStack Application Server
  # and should not be exposed to the end-user.
  # ip:port to bind the api server

  # ca certificate used by the api server (optional)

  # tls certificate used by the api server (optional)

  # tls key used by the api server (optional)

  # Public ip:port of the application-server API.
  # This is used by ChirpStack Network Server to connect to ChirpStack Application Server. When running
  # ChirpStack Application Server on a different host than ChirpStack Network Server, make sure to set
  # this to the host:ip on which ChirpStack Network Server can reach ChirpStack Application Server.
  # The port must be equal to the port configured by the 'bind' flag
  # above.

  # Settings for the "external api"
  # This is the API and web-interface exposed to the end-user.
  # ip:port to bind the (user facing) http server to (web-interface and REST / gRPC api)

  # http server TLS certificate (optional)

  # http server TLS key (optional)

  # JWT secret used for api authentication / authorization
  # You could generate this by executing 'openssl rand -base64 32' for example

  # Allow origin header (CORS).
  # Set this to allows cross-domain communication from the browser (CORS).
  # Example value:
  # When left blank (default), CORS will not be used.

  # Settings for the remote multicast setup.
  # Synchronization interval.

  # Synchronization retries.

  # Synchronization batch-size.

  # Settings for the fragmentation-session setup.
  # Synchronization interval.

  # Synchronization retries.

  # Synchronization batch-size.

# Join-server configuration.
# ChirpStack Application Server implements a (subset) of the join-api specified by the
# LoRaWAN Backend Interfaces specification. This API is used by ChirpStack Network Server
# to handle join-requests.
# ip:port to bind the join-server api interface to

# CA certificate (optional).
# When set, the server requires a client-certificate and will validate this
# certificate on incoming requests.

# TLS server-certificate (optional).
# Set this to enable TLS.

# TLS server-certificate key (optional).
# Set this to enable TLS.

# Key Encryption Key (KEK) configuration.
# The KEK mechanism is used to encrypt the session-keys sent from the
# join-server to the network-server.
# The ChirpStack Application Server join-server will use the NetID of the requesting
# network-server as the KEK label. When no such label exists in the set,
# the session-keys will be sent unencrypted (which can be fine for
# private networks).
# Please refer to the LoRaWAN Backend Interface specification
# 'Key Transport Security' section for more information.

  # Application-server KEK label.
  # This defines the KEK label used to encrypt the AppSKey (note that the
  # AppSKey is signaled to the NS and on the first received uplink from the
  # NS to the AS).
  # When left blank, the AppSKey will be sent unencrypted (which can be fine
  # for private networks).

  # KEK set.
  # Example (the [[join_server.kek.set]] can be repeated):
  # [[join_server.kek.set]]
  # # KEK label.
  # label="000000"

  # # Key Encryption Key.
  # kek="01020304050607080102030405060708"

# Metrics collection settings.
# Timezone
# The timezone is used for correctly aggregating the metrics (e.g. per hour,
# day or month).
# Example: "Europe/Amsterdam" or "Local" for the the system's local time zone.

  # Metrics stored in Redis.
  # The following metrics are stored in Redis:
  # * gateway statistics
  # Aggregation intervals
  # The intervals on which to aggregate. Available options are:
  # 'MINUTE', 'HOUR', 'DAY', 'MONTH'.
  aggregation_intervals=["MINUTE", "HOUR", "DAY", "MONTH"]

  # Aggregated statistics storage duration.

  # Metrics stored in Prometheus.
  # These metrics expose information about the state of the ChirpStack Network Server
  # instance.
  # Enable Prometheus metrics endpoint.

  # The ip:port to bind the Prometheus metrics server to for serving the
  # metrics endpoint.

  # API timing histogram.
  # By setting this to true, the API request timing histogram will be enabled.
  # See also:

  # Monitoring settings.
  # Note that this replaces the metrics.prometheus configuration. If a
  # metrics.prometheus if found in the configuration then it will fall back
  # to that and the monitoring section is ignored.

  # IP:port to bind the monitoring endpoint to.
  # When left blank, the monitoring endpoint will be disabled.

  # Prometheus metrics endpoint.
  # When set to true, Prometheus metrics will be served at '/metrics'.

  # Prometheus API timing histogram.
  # By setting this to true, the API request timing histogram will be enabled.
  # See also:

  # Health check endpoint.
  # When set to true, the healthcheck endpoint will be served at '/health'.
  # When requesting, this endpoint will perform the following actions to
  # determine the health of this service:
  #   * Ping PostgreSQL database
  #   * Ping Redis database

That is the default configuration with mqtt enabled.

Thank you,


Dear all,

Ok I found the solution by reading this post: Getting a UnconfirmedDataUp message in Live LoRaWAN frame logs but no message in Live Event Log

So to resume:

  • in chirpstack-application-server I change the public_host variable to
# Public ip:port of the application-server API.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
  # This is used by ChirpStack Network Server to connect to ChirpStack Application Server. When running                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
  # ChirpStack Application Server on a different host than ChirpStack Network Server, make sure to set                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
  # this to the host:ip on which ChirpStack Network Server can reach ChirpStack Application Server.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
  # The port must be equal to the port configured by the 'bind' flag                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
  # above.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
  • sudo monit restart chirpstack-application-server
  • save the network-server again in the web-interface

And now I can see data in the application topic with mosquitto_sub -h -t “application/#”