Network server config error

In network server if I put "dsn=“postgres://manel:dbpassword@localhost/chirpstack_ns?sslmode=disable”, it appears this error:

sdfgh-1001PX chirpstack-network-server[5154]: time=“2020-12-07T00:15:17Z” level=warning msg=“storage: ping PostgreSQL database error, will retry in 2s” error=“dial tcp connect: connection refused”

If I put "dsn=“postgres://manel:mypassword@sdfgh-1001PX /chirpstack_ns?sslmode=disable”, it appears this error:

sdfgh-1001PX chirpstack-network-server[6970]: time=“2020-12-07T00:49:54Z” level=warning msg=“storage: ping PostgreSQL database error, will retry in 2s” error=“parse "postgres://manel:mypassword@sdfgh-1001PX/chirpstack_ns?sslmode=disable": net/url: invalid userinfo”

How can I fix this fault?

You have to edit the config files after installation as mentioned in the these videos. Follow them and you can resolve this error. Also read that little descrioption provided in comments before each command in .toml files carefully.

I did like the video, with a difference, I gave a different password. I think that isn’t a problem!!! I have de chirpstack application working, and I can enter localhost:8080, but I have that error and don’t understand Why?

It’s solved. I was necessary to remove de chirpstack_ns database and role. After that I created again de chirpstack_ns database and role with specified password (not mine).

You can use any password, not just the default ‘dbpassword’. But the main thing is, it has to be in the exact syntax mentioned in the description provided just above that line.
Anyways, good to hear it solved.

:+1: thank you for all