OTAA failed / Debugging device activation OTAA issues

No, you didn’t.

You made a request to replace Semtech’s packet forwarder with an oddly maintained fork, and your request was supported with zero explanation of what specific behavior you were trying to change.

A bug report states specifically what is wrong. “Try this other thing instead” is neither a valid bug report, nor a valid change request.

If you can point to a specific behavior difference between Kersing’s forwarder and Semtech’s, then you might see some willingness to change things - eg. quote a transmit request which is honored by one and dropped or misexecuted by the other.

Even better, point out the specific lines of code which cause this difference, and submit a pull request to Semtech’s repo which implements that fix. Then ask RAK to include that in their lightly customized version.

The big problem:
I have already success connect my LoRa-E5 dev board to my UG63 gateway with chirpstack. After i use my new UG56, chirpstack won’t work anymore, with both gateway. I try connect only with UG63 with same old settings, it won’t work anymore.
I clearly do not know what is the issue. I have set all the LoRaMAC Version and region parameter, delete and set again device, update firmware of both gateway and delete dev nounce in progres sql database of chirpstack network server too, it won’t work
Node and gateway works fine with TTN. Besides, node and UG63 have already success communicate with chirpstack, after connect UG56, it won’t work anymore

i have fixed this by reset the chip