Port failed error when connect to chirpstack server using basicstation

I modified chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml file for using basicstaion as below.

# Backend type.
# Valid options are:
#   * semtech_udp
#   * concentratord
#   * basic_station

# Basic Station backend.                                        
  # ip:port to bind the Websocket listener to.              
  # TLS certificate and key files.       
  # When set, the websocket listener will use TLS to secure the connections 
  # between the gateways and ChirpStack Gateway Bridge (optional).          

and also i changed basicstation files, tc.uri file as wss:// and i created new api key on chirpstack server so tc.key file but when i run station to connect chirpstack i faced error below.

How to connect chirpstack local server using basic station? thanks



Should be:


Also note that you have configured bind=":3001", but in the logs I see your gw is trying to connect to wss://192....:1883. That is the wrong port :slight_smile: