Proper use of Chirpstack Rest APIs?

Hi all, hope everything goes fine!

I’ve been using Chirpstack for the last months and everything is OK. I use OTAA and ABP, class A and class C devices.

Now I need to send downlink from server to device, to configure them for example. How is this procedure correctly done?

I read in the forum that I need to generate a random base64 encoded key, then go to chirpstack-application-server.toml file and change the verysecret for the generated code in the line:
jwt_secret = “verysecret”

Once this is done I can go to my server and add /api at the end (localhost:8080/api, in my case).
Use internal login to get JWT and then copy and paste it in the right top corner, where it says JWT TOKEN.



Usually, I create an API key in ChirpStack Web GUI.
Then use it for Rest API.

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Thanks! It is very useful to me

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