Rest API not working from Web UI


I am trying to use the rest api on a completely empty (just created) installation of chirpstack on k8s.
I am using the provided web ui, but I am unable to make it work.

The API container is created as:

"--server", "chirpstack.chirpstack.svc.cluster.local:8081", "--bind", "", "--insecure"

In the chirpstack configuration, I have set also these options:

    bind = ""

I have also created a api token in chirpstack, that I provide to the web ui.
I am trying the first api (GET /api/applications)
I provide: limit 10, offset 0, tenant ChirpStack.
The error is the following:

  "code": 2,
  "message": "unexpected HTTP status code received from server: 411 (Length Required); transport: received unexpected content-type \"text/plain; charset=utf-8\"",
  "details": []

Can someone provide some help please?

Thank you,

Auto solved: the backend configuration is useless, it is the 8080 which provides grpc and web ui

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