Hello @iegomez!
Since last message I have kept the pluging working. It was everything ok!
But today as 6:25 am the subscriptions had failed. I know that value because I have a Node-RED application that calculates the last frame log received by the application broker. Even loraserver is working , NEW MESSAGES ARE REGISTRED IN DATABASE (FILES are working!) and I can see it by services status and lora -app-server ui.
So the problem was at the broker connection. As I did not start mannually the mosquitto and to it started i simply reboot the machine, so every connections runs automatically, as they should be.
So I was in logs of mosquitto. In /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log, it has showed the logs with tryng connection to broker but not permited. The users are just the same i have connected yesterday!
1518084318: New connection from on port 1883.
1518084319: Socket error on client <unknown>, disconnecting.
It did not recognized user and simply cant connect.
Otherwise theere was an othe log called /var/mosquitto.log/mosquitto.log.1.gz
In this file, at the final lines, exactly at the time the broker has broken, has the fllowing content:
1518078268: Received PUBLISH from dac1596d-3c88-4657-acf9-cc078e2bd783 (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'gateway/7276ff00080801db/rx', ... (318 bytes))
1518078268: Sending PUBLISH to cc637bdf-a8ea-4a84-ae67-3a5af123540a (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'gateway/7276ff00080801db/rx', ... (318 bytes))
1518078268: Received PUBLISH from 2b64d280-3999-4a72-82eb-55affd05807d (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'application/1/node/0004a30b001abe98/rx', ... (431 bytes))
1518078268: Sending PUBLISH to mqtt_f0caf9a1.e45e08 (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'application/1/node/0004a30b001abe98/rx', ... (431 bytes))
1518078268: Received PUBLISH from cc637bdf-a8ea-4a84-ae67-3a5af123540a (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'gateway/7276ff00080801db/tx', ... (240 bytes))
1518078268: Sending PUBLISH to dac1596d-3c88-4657-acf9-cc078e2bd783 (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'gateway/7276ff00080801db/tx', ... (240 bytes))
1518078293: Received PUBLISH from dac1596d-3c88-4657-acf9-cc078e2bd783 (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'gateway/7276ff00080801db/stats', ... (163 bytes))
1518078293: Sending PUBLISH to cc637bdf-a8ea-4a84-ae67-3a5af123540a (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'gateway/7276ff00080801db/stats', ... (163 bytes))
1518078298: Received PINGREQ from 2b64d280-3999-4a72-82eb-55affd05807d
1518078298: Sending PINGRESP to 2b64d280-3999-4a72-82eb-55affd05807d
1518078298: Received PINGREQ from cc637bdf-a8ea-4a84-ae67-3a5af123540a
1518078298: Sending PINGRESP to cc637bdf-a8ea-4a84-ae67-3a5af123540a
1518078299: Received PINGREQ from dac1596d-3c88-4657-acf9-cc078e2bd783
1518078299: Sending PINGRESP to dac1596d-3c88-4657-acf9-cc078e2bd783
1518078302: Error in poll: Interrupted system call.
1518078302: Reloading config.
I presume when it has Reload config the mosquitto.conf could not read the plugin, so the connection was failed And I cant reestablished anymore. May be this issue fixable?
Thanks in advance!