Schedulink Downlink Data Error

Hi all!

I’m trying to schedule some messages into the queue of some devices. I tried first using the API and it works as you can see below:

In the GUI it can be seen the packet scheduled:

Then I tried to send the downlink by MQTT and the message is sent to the server:

However the packet is never scheduled. I receive the following error on the logs:

Jan 27 10:16:36 ip-172-31-40-30 chirpstack-application-server[24683]: time=“2020-01-27T10:16:36Z” level=error msg=“integration/mqtt: fPort must be between 1 - 224” dev_eui=XXX f_port=0 topic=application/1/device/XXX/tx

And as you can see, the “fPort” parameter is set to 2, not to 0 as you can see at the logs…

Any idea @brocaar or somebody?

Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
Pablo R.

With the json_v3 marshaler set in your chirpstack-application-server.toml (which is the current default), the object is a JSON object, not a string.

I have the json marshaler set in my configuration as you can see:

Anyway I changed the string by the JSON object and still the same error:

Jan 27 10:29:45 ip-172-31-40-30 chirpstack-application-server[24683]: time=“2020-01-27T10:29:45Z” level=info msg=“integration/mqtt: data-down payload received” topic=application/1/device/XXX/tx
Jan 27 10:29:45 ip-172-31-40-30 chirpstack-application-server[24683]: time=“2020-01-27T10:29:45Z” level=error msg=“integration/mqtt: fPort must be between 1 - 224” dev_eui=XXX f_port=0 topic=application/1/device/XXX/tx