SodaqOne - Waiting for response from server


I’ve been using the ic880a as a play area for some LoraWAN development.
The device i have is a SodaqONE and i’m using their SodaqOneTracker_v2 firmware.

The output from the SodaqOneTracker is this:

>> sys sleep 259200000
Default fix event started.
Starting getGpsFixAndTransmit()...
Retrying ublox.getPortConfigurationDDC(&pcd)...
Timestamp, BatteryVoltage, BoardTemperature, Lat, Long, Altitude, Speed, Course, SatelliteCount, TimeToFix
1590526328, 132, 19, 513866359, -4081850, -9, 0, 0, 8, 1

Trying to join...
>> mac set deveui 0004A30B00EB5E28
[expectString] ("ok") .--> "ok" found a match!

>> mac set appeui 0000000000000000
[expectString] ("ok") .--> "ok" found a match!

>> mac set appkey B2F76E6D031459CF5ECB747EBE15575C
[expectString] ("ok") .--> "ok" found a match!

>> mac set adr on
[expectString] ("ok") .--> "ok" found a match!

>> mac join otaa
[expectString] ("ok") .--> "ok" found a match!

[expectString] ("accepted") ..........................................--> "accepted" found a match!

>> mac set pwridx 1
[expectString] ("ok") .--> "ok" found a match!

>> mac tx cnf 1 7881CD5E841377FAA01E46B7C1FFF7FF0000000801
[expectString] ("ok") .--> "ok" found a match!

Waiting for server response.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Timed-out waiting for a response!
There was an error while transmitting through LoRaWAN: (2). Restarting module and scheduling a retransmission.
>> sys sleep 259200000

If i go to my Live LoraWan Frames, then i see:

        "downlinkMetaData": {
            "txInfo": {
                "gatewayID": "uCfr//7GP/k=",
                "frequency": 867500000,
                "power": 14,
                "modulation": "LORA",
                "loRaModulationInfo": {
                    "bandwidth": 125,
                    "spreadingFactor": 12,
                    "codeRate": "4/5",
                    "polarizationInversion": true
                "board": 0,
                "antenna": 0,
                "timing": "DELAY",
                "delayTimingInfo": {
                    "delay": "1s"
                "context": "p2Or/A=="
        "phyPayload": {
            "mhdr": {
                "mType": "UnconfirmedDataDown",
                "major": "LoRaWANR1"
            "macPayload": {
                "fhdr": {
                    "devAddr": "019de7c0",
                    "fCtrl": {
                        "adr": true,
                        "adrAckReq": false,
                        "ack": true,
                        "fPending": false,
                        "classB": false
                    "fCnt": 0,
                    "fOpts": [
                            "bytes": "AwX/AAEG"
                "fPort": null,
                "frmPayload": null
            "mic": "728362c4"
        "uplinkMetaData": {
            "rxInfo": [
                    "gatewayID": "uCfr//7GP/k=",
                    "time": null,
                    "timeSinceGPSEpoch": null,
                    "rssi": -48,
                    "loRaSNR": 7.2,
                    "channel": 5,
                    "rfChain": 0,
                    "board": 0,
                    "antenna": 0,
                    "location": {
                        "latitude": 51.38679,
                        "longitude": -0.4082,
                        "altitude": 1,
                        "source": "UNKNOWN",
                        "accuracy": 0
                    "fineTimestampType": "NONE",
                    "context": "p2Or/A==",
                    "uplinkID": "kLZHOaRATGy0G0Jlvs81Qg==",
                    "crcStatus": "CRC_OK"
            "txInfo": {
                "frequency": 867500000,
                "modulation": "LORA",
                "loRaModulationInfo": {
                    "bandwidth": 125,
                    "spreadingFactor": 12,
                    "codeRate": "4/5",
                    "polarizationInversion": false
        "phyPayload": {
            "mhdr": {
                "mType": "ConfirmedDataUp",
                "major": "LoRaWANR1"
            "macPayload": {
                "fhdr": {
                    "devAddr": "019de7c0",
                    "fCtrl": {
                        "adr": true,
                        "adrAckReq": false,
                        "ack": false,
                        "fPending": false,
                        "classB": false
                    "fCnt": 0,
                    "fOpts": null
                "fPort": 1,
                "frmPayload": [
                        "bytes": "BOQfSG9yFd+eZ7WnTO1u0wl/P7In"
            "mic": "9afea8b1"
        "downlinkMetaData": {
            "txInfo": {
                "gatewayID": "uCfr//7GP/k=",
                "frequency": 868100000,
                "power": 14,
                "modulation": "LORA",
                "loRaModulationInfo": {
                    "bandwidth": 125,
                    "spreadingFactor": 12,
                    "codeRate": "4/5",
                    "polarizationInversion": true
                "board": 0,
                "antenna": 0,
                "timing": "DELAY",
                "delayTimingInfo": {
                    "delay": "5s"
                "context": "ptllfA=="
        "phyPayload": {
            "mhdr": {
                "mType": "JoinAccept",
                "major": "LoRaWANR1"
            "macPayload": {
                "bytes": "MLKHG0XE2PfgXK0eoH7Qb0BqxxdK0DdGtqaGLw=="
            "mic": "99cf48cf"
        "uplinkMetaData": {
            "rxInfo": [
                    "gatewayID": "uCfr//7GP/k=",
                    "time": null,
                    "timeSinceGPSEpoch": null,
                    "rssi": -48,
                    "loRaSNR": 9,
                    "channel": 0,
                    "rfChain": 1,
                    "board": 0,
                    "antenna": 0,
                    "location": {
                        "latitude": 51.38679,
                        "longitude": -0.4082,
                        "altitude": 1,
                        "source": "UNKNOWN",
                        "accuracy": 0
                    "fineTimestampType": "NONE",
                    "context": "ptllfA==",
                    "uplinkID": "DEcfwgHsSCyZm/zLS9hxbw==",
                    "crcStatus": "CRC_OK"
            "txInfo": {
                "frequency": 868100000,
                "modulation": "LORA",
                "loRaModulationInfo": {
                    "bandwidth": 125,
                    "spreadingFactor": 12,
                    "codeRate": "4/5",
                    "polarizationInversion": false
        "phyPayload": {
            "mhdr": {
                "mType": "JoinRequest",
                "major": "LoRaWANR1"
            "macPayload": {
                "joinEUI": "0000000000000000",
                "devEUI": "0004a30b00eb5e28",
                "devNonce": 22791
            "mic": "02ce1663"

Now, i must add that i’m probably having some issue with interference. I’ve moved the device about 1 meter to a different location (as in, other side of the laptop) and i get better results then before (above is the already better result). If i don’t do that, than i get quite a few CRC errors.

I wonder how i can troubleshoot this further. I really have the feeling that the software side is ok, but that there’s something wrong on the hardware side that makes it fail. Any idea is welcome :slight_smile:

this is the expected result. endnode should not be located in close proximity to the gateway

Hmm, that’s not a answer i expected.
Would you mind explaining why this is? I mean… closer would be easier in terms of RF?

This is RF basics.
In close proximity the end-device may over-drive the gateway hardware causing ghost packets to be received on adjacent channels.
These ghost packets can also be seen at time on channels 1 MHz or higher or lower than the intended channel due to harmonic and sometimes 4MHz and 11MHz above or below the primary signals.

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