Access txInfo in the decodeUplink function


Is there a way to access to information like txInfo.modulation.lora.spreadingFactor inside of decodeUplink()?

I know that I can grab that information in the script that subscribes to the MQTT broker, but I would have to change that script to read that value and at the moment I don’t have access to the embedded running that script, I have acces to our chirpstack only. That’s why I though, I could “inject” that information in the decoded payload that is returned in decodeUplink() so that the script can generate a new sensor with the spreading factor, but it seems that there is no way to access this information from the decodeUplink() function.

On a different project running with a Milesight gateway I am able to access this information because they expose the “lora object” as LoraObject (see which can be pretty useful. So, is this possible with chirpstack?


This is not possible. Please note that ChirpStack implements the Payload Codec API as specified here:

Personally, I don’t think it is a good idea to expose this data to the codec. In my opinion, the codec functions should only facilitate the decoding of a byte array to sensible data.

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Thank you for the explanation.

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