Adding Elsys ERS2 sensors - no LoRaWan frames / OTAA


I tried to set-up my lora network and facing issues with adding devices.
I’m using a Kerlink ifemtocell evolution gateway that is connected to the network server. I’m now trying to add Elsys ERS2 sensors but I’m not receiving any LoRaWan frames.
I think I set-up the device profile properly, based on the specs of the devices. I also added the AppKey for OTAA, but I’m nowhere seeing joinrequests or something related to an activation process.

Besides some UnconfirmedDataUp frames the gateway doesn’t receive anything.

Could you pls. give me a hint where to check what’s wrong there?

Many thanks!!

A couple questions:

When you go to the device’s page itself and click on events is there anything there or is it blank?

What region are you using?


thanks for your reply.

So, I figured out the issue… Turns out the events section was completely blank, which meant no joinrequests were coming from the sensor. I double-checked by testing the signal frequency, and sure enough, the sensors weren’t sending any signal at all.

Long story short: the power supply was just too wimpy. Rookie mistake, I know :see_no_evil:. I swapped in some higher-voltage batteries, and now they’re working like a charm!

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