Adding UG63 and EM300 to Chirpstack

Hey guys, sorry for being such a complete novice… How do I add a device to Chirpstack and how would I then delegate rights to it to a tenant?

To add a device first you must first create an application (which is just groupings of devices).

Then make a device profile with the necessary settings for your device (or if you imported the device repository your device may already be there as a device profile template).

Then go into the application and add the device.

Once a device is created it can not easily be added to a tenant, instead it should be created as the tenant. So to add the device as the tenant you must use their login credentials and then create the application and device.

Alternatively you could use the API which allows you to specify the tenant ID when a device is created.

So generally speaking I would create a New User → Tenant → Application → Add Devices.

Overall I would just be setting things up in their account/environment first and then manage it with my main admin account after?

p.s. Thanks for the quick reply.

Yes thats the idea. If you create a device from within a tenant it will be associated to them, but you can manage from admin.

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