Hi All,
I am having a trouble with sensor going into DR0 even though it has good signal strength and SNR. So I am just trying to understand the default ADR algorithm, but I am not getting much inputs. I just want to understand why the sensors are set to DR0 and also I would like to understand how the default ADR requests the sensors to change the DR. I am using sensors in US915 sub band 1. Below is the downlink sent from Chirpstack network server. Currently I am using Chirpstack v3. Can someone please help me with the explanation of below payload and also the ADR algorithm working. In an earlier thread I saw the minimum data rate is not of much use, because it is not considered by default ADR. Is this still the same or it has been updated. { "txInfo": { "frequency": 926900000, "power": 20, "modulation": "LORA", "loRaModulationInfo": { "bandwidth": 500, "spreadingFactor": 9, "codeRate": "4/5", "polarizationInversion": true }, "board": 0, "antenna": 0, "timing": "DELAY", "delayTimingInfo": { "delay": "1s" }, "context": "VeMTnA==" }, "phyPayload": { "mhdr": { "mType": "UnconfirmedDataDown", "major": "LoRaWANR1" }, "macPayload": { "fhdr": { "devAddr": "001b8c01", "fCtrl": { "adr": true, "adrAckReq": false, "ack": false, "fPending": false, "classB": false }, "fCnt": 534, "fOpts": [ { "cid": "LinkADRReq", "payload": { "dataRate": 0, "txPower": 0, "chMask": [ true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false ], "redundancy": { "chMaskCntl": 7, "nbRep": 0 } } }, { "cid": "LinkADRReq", "payload": { "dataRate": 5, "txPower": 0, "chMask": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false ], "redundancy": { "chMaskCntl": 0, "nbRep": 3 } } }, { "cid": "DevStatusReq", "payload": null } ] }, "fPort": null, "frmPayload": null }, "mic": "8590fb88" } }