AMQP Integration: Not using rounting key template from config


we are currently working on the migration from version 3 to 4. In this transitional period we have both versions running simultaneously in our staging environment.

In RabbitMQ, I need to be able to distinguish which data packets come from which chirpstack version. To do so, I changed the routing key template in the configuration file for Chirpstack V4 as follows:

  # Event routing key.
  # This is the event routing-key template used when publishing device
  # events. Messages will be published to the "amq.topic" exchange.
  event_routing_key_template="chirpstack4.application.{{ .ApplicationID }}.device.{{ .DevEUI }}.event.{{ .EventType }}"

Unfortunately, Chirpstack V4 ignores the change and keeps sending data packages with the default routing key

  event_routing_key_template="application.{{ .ApplicationID }}.device.{{ .DevEUI }}.event.{{ .EventType }}"

What am I missing here so that Chirpstack uses the desired event_routing_key_template?

Thanks in advance for your support!

Best regards

It looks like you are trying to copy the v3 configuration to v4. There are some changes, please see the config example:

  # AMQP / RabbitMQ integration configuration.

    # Server URL.
    # See for a specification of all the possible options:

    # Event routing key.
    # This is the event routing-key template used when publishing device
    # events. Messages will be published to the "amq.topic" exchange.

    # Use JSON encoding instead of Protobuf (binary).

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