Application-Server NodePort Connection Refused

Hello ChirpStack community :slight_smile:

i got a question regarding the access to the Web UI after the implementation on a Kubernetes Cluster.
I implemented ChirpStack from here GitHub - Mekrache/chirpstack-kubernetes: This repository contains a skeleton to setup the ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN Network Server stack using kubernetes.
I have implemented it on a Kubernetes Cluster and for further tests on Minikube too. After the implementation, i can not access the Webinterface using the configured NodePorts in both implementations. With the following command i get 3 URL´s with a different port.

minikube service chirpstack-application-server --url -p multinode

when i try to curl them i get the following error for each URL:
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 30001 after 0 ms: Connection refused

There is also no firewall rule which could forbid the connection. Also when i turn off the firewall completly, it is still not possible.
Does anyone know what the problem could be?
If further informations are needed, i can provide them for sure.
Thanks in advance!

Kind regards

I have not used that repo for standing up ChirpStack in Kubernetes, but a connection refused with the firewall disabled almost certainly means that the port is not being forwarded correctly to the container.

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