The gateway model in question is the Kerlink Wirnet iFemtoCell Evolution 868, identified with PDTIOT - IFE03. The product ID is 010DFa01025D, and the board ID is 006CVc030174. The MAC address of the device is 70:76:FF:05:01:B4, and the EUI is 7076FF0064030174. The device is connected via Wi-Fi, but we are currently unaware of its IP address.
We have observed that the gateway was last seen on the ChirpStack platform approximately two months ago. Since then, it has not been receiving any data on the ChirpStack platform. Additionally, the second LED on the gateway continues to blink green, which is unusual.
To troubleshoot the issue, we have taken the following steps:
- Verified the power supply to ensure it is functioning correctly.
- Restarted the gateway multiple times.
- Attempted to identify the gateway’s IP address using ‘ipconfig’ in Command Prompt by matching the MAC address, but unfortunately, we did not find any corresponding IP address.
Given these circumstances, we are unable to determine the IP address of the gateway and are facing difficulties resolving the problem. We would greatly appreciate any guidance or support you can provide to help us restore the gateway to normal operation.