AWS SNS Configuration changes lost after reboot

I have a Raspberry Pi with ChirpStack Gateway OS 4.3.2 Full installed. After configuring the gateway and adding an application, I can see data arriving from sensors, and the graphs of the values received. I want to send this data into an AWS SNS queue.
The documentation I have found, says I need to modify the .toml file (See Configuration - ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN<sup>®</sup> Network Server).
I can’t find a way using the web interface to configure AWS SNS, so have used SSH to connect.

The service is started using:
/usr/bin/chirpstack -c /var/etc/chirpstack

I have used vi to modify the /var/etc/chirpstack/chirpstack.toml file, adding the AWS specific data required.

When I reboot the system, the changes I made to the chirpstack.toml file are no longer there, and it has reverted to the original settings, so there is no attempt to connect to SNS when data arrives.

How can I modify the configuration so that it attempts to communicate with my SNS service,and keeps this after a reboot?


I’ve found the uci command line utility that is supposed to allow changing the config, but I can’t seem to change anything on the chirpstack system.

The chirpstack.toml file matches what I can see in the web interface:

root@chirpstack-a766de:/var/etc/chirpstack# cat chirpstack.toml


enabled = [


but if I try to modify anything in it, or even read it, then uci complains:

root@chirpstack-a766de:/var/etc/chirpstack# uci  get chirpstack.integration.mqtt.json
uci: Parse error
root@chirpstack-a766de:/var/etc/chirpstack# uci  get chirpstack.integration.mqtt
uci: Entry not found

I’ve tried various ways to add the aws_sns option to the enabled set, as required, but can’t get it to work:

root@chirpstack-a766de:/var/etc/chirpstack# uci add_list chirpstack.integration.enabled='aws_sns'
uci: Invalid argument
root@chirpstack-a766de:/var/etc/chirpstack# uci set chirpstack.integration.@enabled[1]='aws_sns'
uci: Parse error

Has anyone had experience with this that can help?

That documentation also tells you:

You are reading outdated documentation. This page documents ChirpStack v3. ChirpStack v4 is the latest version.


AWS SNS configuration can be configured in the ChirpStack v4 web-interface. Under your application see the Integrations tab:

Thanks for the quick response to a newbie.
I looked all over the place in the UI, but managed not to click on that one tab!

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