Hello, my Pi4 with SeedWM1302 Pi - Hat have the last (old) chirpstack-gateway-os-4.2.0-Test3 image
running. It’s work good for me.
Yesterday i see the last chirpstack-gateway-os-4.2.0-Full image are online.
No more Test# Images for PI’s
I make backup (>10BM gz) file und flash the newer chirpstack-gateway-os-4.2.0-Full und restore the
Backup and reboot .
But all Entries under Application → in ChipStack, e.g. Tenants, Gateways, Profiles, Devices etc give many Errors like
Object does not exist (id: 52f14cd4-c6f1-4fbd-8f87-4025e1d49242)
I hope there is a way, to save all my Configuration from Test3 - Image to the full image.
Thx for any solution