Basicstation - no uplink after adr

No uplink arrives after ADR - This does not happen when max ADR is set to 3

The sensor is able to join and send a first uplink but not after DR is set to 4.

The uplink message is verified to have been sent by the sensor and can be seen by the lora_pkt_fwd but not by station.

NOTE: This issue occurs on station → chirpstack-gateway-bridge.
using lora_pkt_fwd and a gateway-hosted chirpstack-gateway-bridge does not have this issue.

station init log

2021-08-05 03:37:29.501 [SYS:INFO] Process /usr/sbin/reset_sx1301 (pid=10923) completed
2021-08-05 03:37:29.501 [RAL:INFO] Lora gateway library version: Version: 5.0.1;
2021-08-05 03:37:29.518 [RAL:VERB] Connecting to device: /dev/spidev1.0
2021-08-05 03:37:29.518 [RAL:DEBU] SX130x txlut table (0 entries)
2021-08-05 03:37:29.518 [RAL:VERB] SX1301 rxrfchain 0: enable=1 freq=902.7MHz rssi_offset=-166.000000 type=2 tx_enable=1 tx_notch_freq=0
2021-08-05 03:37:29.518 [RAL:VERB] SX1301 rxrfchain 1: enable=1 freq=903.7MHz rssi_offset=-166.000000 type=2 tx_enable=0 tx_notch_freq=0
2021-08-05 03:37:29.519 [RAL:VERB] SX1301 ifchain  0: enable=1 rf_chain=0 freq=-400000 bandwidth=0 datarate=0 sync_word=0/0
2021-08-05 03:37:29.519 [RAL:VERB] SX1301 ifchain  1: enable=1 rf_chain=0 freq=-200000 bandwidth=0 datarate=0 sync_word=0/0
2021-08-05 03:37:29.519 [RAL:VERB] SX1301 ifchain  2: enable=1 rf_chain=0 freq=0 bandwidth=0 datarate=0 sync_word=0/0
2021-08-05 03:37:29.519 [RAL:VERB] SX1301 ifchain  3: enable=1 rf_chain=0 freq=200000 bandwidth=0 datarate=0 sync_word=0/0
2021-08-05 03:37:29.519 [RAL:VERB] SX1301 ifchain  4: enable=1 rf_chain=0 freq=300000 bandwidth=0 datarate=0 sync_word=0/0
2021-08-05 03:37:29.519 [RAL:VERB] SX1301 ifchain  5: enable=1 rf_chain=0 freq=400000 bandwidth=0 datarate=0 sync_word=0/0
2021-08-05 03:37:29.519 [RAL:VERB] SX1301 ifchain  6: enable=1 rf_chain=1 freq=-400000 bandwidth=0 datarate=0 sync_word=0/0
2021-08-05 03:37:29.519 [RAL:VERB] SX1301 ifchain  7: enable=1 rf_chain=1 freq=-200000 bandwidth=0 datarate=0 sync_word=0/0
2021-08-05 03:37:29.519 [RAL:VERB] SX1301 ifchain  8: enable=1 rf_chain=0 freq=300000 bandwidth=1 datarate=4 sync_word=0/0
2021-08-05 03:37:29.520 [RAL:VERB] SX1301 ifchain  9: enable=0 rf_chain=0 freq=0 bandwidth=0 datarate=0 sync_word=0/0
2021-08-05 03:37:29.520 [RAL:VERB] SX130x LBT not enabled
2021-08-05 03:37:29.520 [RAL:VERB] Station device: /dev/spidev1.0 (PPS capture disabled)
2021-08-05 03:37:32.879 [RAL:VERB] Concentrator started (3s357ms)
2021-08-05 03:37:32.879 [S2E:INFO] Configuring for region: US902 -- 902.0MHz..928.0MHz
2021-08-05 03:37:32.879 [S2E:VERB]   DR0  SF10/BW125 
2021-08-05 03:37:32.879 [S2E:VERB]   DR1  SF9/BW125 
2021-08-05 03:37:32.880 [S2E:VERB]   DR2  SF8/BW125 
2021-08-05 03:37:32.880 [S2E:VERB]   DR3  SF7/BW125 
2021-08-05 03:37:32.880 [S2E:VERB]   DR4  SF8/BW500 
2021-08-05 03:37:32.880 [S2E:VERB]   DR5  undefined
2021-08-05 03:37:32.880 [S2E:VERB]   DR6  undefined
2021-08-05 03:37:32.880 [S2E:VERB]   DR7  undefined
2021-08-05 03:37:32.880 [S2E:VERB]   DR8  SF12/BW500 (DN only)
2021-08-05 03:37:32.880 [S2E:VERB]   DR9  SF11/BW500 (DN only)
2021-08-05 03:37:32.880 [S2E:VERB]   DR10 SF10/BW500 (DN only)
2021-08-05 03:37:32.880 [S2E:VERB]   DR11 SF9/BW500 (DN only)
2021-08-05 03:37:32.880 [S2E:VERB]   DR12 SF8/BW500 
2021-08-05 03:37:32.880 [S2E:VERB]   DR13 SF7/BW500 (DN only)
2021-08-05 03:37:32.880 [S2E:VERB]   DR14 undefined
2021-08-05 03:37:32.880 [S2E:VERB]   DR15 undefined
2021-08-05 03:37:32.881 [S2E:VERB]   TX power: 30.0 dBm EIRP
2021-08-05 03:37:32.881 [S2E:VERB]   JoinEui list: 0 entries
2021-08-05 03:37:32.881 [S2E:VERB]   NetID filter: FFFFFFFF-FFFFFFFF-FFFFFFFF-FFFFFFFF
2021-08-05 03:37:32.881 [S2E:VERB]   Dev/test settings: nocca=0 nodc=0 nodwell=0

Chirpstack gateway bridge station config

# Backend type.



    # Ping interval.

    # This interval must be greater than the configured ping interval.

    # Write timeout.

        # Concentrator configuration.

            # Multi-SF channel configuration.

            # Frequencies (Hz).
               # 903700000,
            # LoRa STD channel.
                # Frequency (Hz).
                # Bandwidth (Hz).
                # Spreading factor.
            # [backend.basic_station.concentrators.fsk]

Network server uplink channels

enabled_uplink_channels=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 64] // I’ve also tried and empty array but same issue

MAX ADR 3 frame log using basic station (had to pastebin it since it’s pretty long)

MAX ADR 4 frame logs using basic station

        "txInfo": {
            "frequency": 923900000,
            "power": 20,
            "modulation": "LORA",
            "loRaModulationInfo": {
                "bandwidth": 500,
                "spreadingFactor": 10,
                "codeRate": "4/5",
                "polarizationInversion": true
            "board": 0,
            "antenna": 0,
            "timing": "DELAY",
            "delayTimingInfo": {
                "delay": "1s"
            "context": "AAAAAAAAAAAAKwAAEcdChA=="
        "phyPayload": {
            "mhdr": {
                "mType": "UnconfirmedDataDown",
                "major": "LoRaWANR1"
            "macPayload": {
                "fhdr": {
                    "devAddr": "0106e24b",
                    "fCtrl": {
                        "adr": true,
                        "adrAckReq": false,
                        "ack": false,
                        "fPending": false,
                        "classB": false
                    "fCnt": 0,
                    "fOpts": null
                "fPort": 0,
                "frmPayload": [
                        "cid": "DeviceTimeReq",
                        "payload": {
                            "timeSinceGPSEpoch": 1312170655070312400
                        "cid": "LinkADRReq",
                        "payload": {
                            "dataRate": 0,
                            "txPower": 0,
                            "chMask": [
                            "redundancy": {
                                "chMaskCntl": 7,
                                "nbRep": 0
                        "cid": "LinkADRReq",
                        "payload": {
                            "dataRate": 4,
                            "txPower": 0,
                            "chMask": [
                            "redundancy": {
                                "chMaskCntl": 0,
                                "nbRep": 1
            "mic": "41fd4ba6"
        "rxInfo": [
                "gatewayID": "qEBBHaT0QVM=",
                "time": null,
                "timeSinceGPSEpoch": null,
                "rssi": -103,
                "loRaSNR": 9.25,
                "channel": 0,
                "rfChain": 0,
                "board": 0,
                "antenna": 0,
                "location": {
                    "latitude": 0,
                    "longitude": 0,
                    "altitude": 0,
                    "source": "UNKNOWN",
                    "accuracy": 0
                "fineTimestampType": "NONE",
                "context": "AAAAAAAAAAAAKwAAEcdChA==",
                "uplinkID": "RMrRE682SxeVT+c7SFZrRw==",
                "crcStatus": "CRC_OK"
        "txInfo": {
            "frequency": 902500000,
            "modulation": "LORA",
            "loRaModulationInfo": {
                "bandwidth": 125,
                "spreadingFactor": 10,
                "codeRate": "4/5",
                "polarizationInversion": false
        "phyPayload": {
            "mhdr": {
                "mType": "UnconfirmedDataUp",
                "major": "LoRaWANR1"
            "macPayload": {
                "fhdr": {
                    "devAddr": "0106e24b",
                    "fCtrl": {
                        "adr": true,
                        "adrAckReq": false,
                        "ack": false,
                        "fPending": false,
                        "classB": false
                    "fCnt": 0,
                    "fOpts": [
                            "cid": "DeviceTimeReq",
                            "payload": null
                "fPort": 2,
                "frmPayload": [
                        "bytes": "qg=="
            "mic": "050ec0d8"
        "txInfo": {
            "frequency": 923300000,
            "power": 20,
            "modulation": "LORA",
            "loRaModulationInfo": {
                "bandwidth": 500,
                "spreadingFactor": 10,
                "codeRate": "4/5",
                "polarizationInversion": true
            "board": 0,
            "antenna": 0,
            "timing": "DELAY",
            "delayTimingInfo": {
                "delay": "5s"
            "context": "AAAAAAAAAAAAKwAAEXP3DA=="
        "phyPayload": {
            "mhdr": {
                "mType": "JoinAccept",
                "major": "LoRaWANR1"
            "macPayload": {
                "bytes": "0qFRO/OG1jrfCFmQak9wbUXqhmH+s3pDXXA+kQ=="
            "mic": "0b06b72a"
        "rxInfo": [
                "gatewayID": "qEBBHaT0QVM=",
                "time": null,
                "timeSinceGPSEpoch": null,
                "rssi": -101,
                "loRaSNR": 8.25,
                "channel": 0,
                "rfChain": 0,
                "board": 0,
                "antenna": 0,
                "location": {
                    "latitude": 0,
                    "longitude": 0,
                    "altitude": 0,
                    "source": "UNKNOWN",
                    "accuracy": 0
                "fineTimestampType": "NONE",
                "context": "AAAAAAAAAAAAKwAAEXP3DA==",
                "uplinkID": "sRYHg3sPSFKnQkBOsz+HDw==",
                "crcStatus": "CRC_OK"
        "txInfo": {
            "frequency": 902300000,
            "modulation": "LORA",
            "loRaModulationInfo": {
                "bandwidth": 125,
                "spreadingFactor": 10,
                "codeRate": "4/5",
                "polarizationInversion": false
        "phyPayload": {
            "mhdr": {
                "mType": "JoinRequest",
                "major": "LoRaWANR1"
            "macPayload": {
                "joinEUI": "a000000000000100",
                "devEUI": "a84041658182b7fb",
                "devNonce": 9270
            "mic": "7009a25a"

The uplinks not showing in the application can be seen with the lora_pkt_fwd (dev addr 0106E24B)

REPORT~ ################## Report at: 2021-08-05 03:52:16 UTC ##################
REPORT~ # RF packets received by concentrator: 0
REPORT~ # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00%
REPORT~ # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes)
REPORT~ # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 0 (0 bytes)
REPORT~ # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00%
REPORT~ # PULL_DATA sent: 0 (0.00% acknowledged)
WARNING~ [down] relink recv error sockup(3),sockdown(4)
INFO~ sockfd=4
REPORT~ # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes)
REPORT~ # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes)
REPORT~ # TX errors: 0
REPORT~ # BEACON queued: 0
REPORT~ # BEACON sent so far: 0
REPORT~ # BEACON rejected: 0
REPORT~ ### [PPS] ###
REPORT~ # SX1301 time (PPS): 2879633
INFO: [jit] queue is empty
INFO~ ### [GPS] ###
INFO~ # GPS *FAKE* coordinates: latitude 22.700000, longitude 114.240000, altitude 450 m
INFO~ ##### END #####
RXTX~ {"stat":{"time":"2021-08-05 03:52:16 UTC","lati":22.700000,"long":114.240000,"alti":450,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0}}
debug2: client_check_window_change: changed
debug2: channel 0: request window-change confirm 0
lgw_receive:1154: FIFO content: 1 10 0 5 18
lgw_receive:1173: [8 16]
Note: LoRa packet
PKT_FWD~ DATA_UNCONF_UP-> {"DevAddr": "0106E24B", "FCtrl": ["ADR": 1, "ADRACKReq": 0, "ACK": 0, "RFU" : "RFU", "FOptsLen": 0], "FCnt": 5, "FPort": 2, "MIC": "CACD0FE9"}
RXTX~ {"rxpk":[{"tmst":23148464,"time":"2021-08-05T03:52:36.313126Z","chan":8,"rfch":0,"freq":903.000000,"stat":1,"modu":"LORA","datr":"SF8BW500","codr":"4/5","lsnr":8.2,"rssi":-108,"size":24,"data":"QEviBgGABQACxjJy1CDdfsuVsWDpD83K"}]}
lgw_receive:1154: FIFO content: 1 38 0 7 12
lgw_receive:1173: [0 17]
Note: LoRa packet
PKT_FWD~ DATA_CONF_UP-> {"DevAddr": "BFA9F36D", "FCtrl": ["ADR": 1, "ADRACKReq": 1, "ACK": 1, "RFU" : "RFU", "FOptsLen": 6], "FCnt": 39630, "FPort": 0, "MIC": "9E21B2E4"}
WARNING~ [down] relink recv error sockup(3),sockdown(4)
INFO~ sockfd=4

lora_pkt_fwd init log

INFO~ Configuring TX LUT with 16 indexes
INFO~ radio 0 enabled (type SX1257), center frequency 902700000, RSSI offset -166.000000, tx enabled 1, tx_notch_freq 0
lgw_rxrf_setconf:473: WARNING: NOT A VALID TX NOTCH FILTER FREQUENCY [126000…250000]Hz
lgw_rxrf_setconf:485: Note: rf_chain 0 configuration; en:1 freq:902700000 rssi_offset:-166.000000 radio_type:2 tx_enable:1 tx_notch_freq:0
INFO~ radio 1 enabled (type SX1257), center frequency 903400000, RSSI offset -166.000000, tx enabled 0, tx_notch_freq 0
lgw_rxrf_setconf:485: Note: rf_chain 1 configuration; en:1 freq:903400000 rssi_offset:-166.000000 radio_type:2 tx_enable:0 tx_notch_freq:0
INFO~ Lora multi-SF channel 0> radio 0, IF -400000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12
lgw_rxif_setconf:604: Note: LoRa ‘multi’ if_chain 0 configuration; en:1 freq:-400000 SF_mask:0x7e
INFO~ Lora multi-SF channel 1> radio 0, IF -200000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12
lgw_rxif_setconf:604: Note: LoRa ‘multi’ if_chain 1 configuration; en:1 freq:-200000 SF_mask:0x7e
INFO~ Lora multi-SF channel 2> radio 0, IF 0 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12
lgw_rxif_setconf:604: Note: LoRa ‘multi’ if_chain 2 configuration; en:1 freq:0 SF_mask:0x7e
INFO~ Lora multi-SF channel 3> radio 0, IF 200000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12
lgw_rxif_setconf:604: Note: LoRa ‘multi’ if_chain 3 configuration; en:1 freq:200000 SF_mask:0x7e
INFO~ Lora multi-SF channel 4> radio 1, IF -300000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12
lgw_rxif_setconf:604: Note: LoRa ‘multi’ if_chain 4 configuration; en:1 freq:-300000 SF_mask:0x7e
INFO~ Lora multi-SF channel 5> radio 1, IF -100000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12
lgw_rxif_setconf:604: Note: LoRa ‘multi’ if_chain 5 configuration; en:1 freq:-100000 SF_mask:0x7e
INFO~ Lora multi-SF channel 6> radio 1, IF 100000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12
lgw_rxif_setconf:604: Note: LoRa ‘multi’ if_chain 6 configuration; en:1 freq:100000 SF_mask:0x7e
INFO~ Lora multi-SF channel 7> radio 1, IF 300000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12
lgw_rxif_setconf:604: Note: LoRa ‘multi’ if_chain 7 configuration; en:1 freq:300000 SF_mask:0x7e
INFO~ Lora std channel> radio 0, IF 300000 Hz, 500000 Hz bw, SF 8
lgw_rxif_setconf:578: Note: LoRa ‘std’ if_chain 8 configuration; en:1 freq:300000 bw:1 dr:4
INFO~ FSK channel 8 disabled
lgw_rxif_setconf:512: Note: if_chain 9 disabled

Tried using semtech packet forwarder instead of basic station and the issue with no uplinks being received after the sensor’s dr is set to 4 does not appear

lora packet forwarder also uses the same frequencies albeit with different radio usage

Configuring TX LUT with 16 indexes
radio 0 enabled (type SX1257), center frequency 902700000, RSSI offset -166.000000, tx enabled 1, tx_notch_freq 0
radio 1 enabled (type SX1257), center frequency 903400000, RSSI offset -166.000000, tx enabled 0, tx_notch_freq 0
Lora multi-SF channel 0> radio 0, IF -400000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12
Lora multi-SF channel 1> radio 0, IF -200000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12
Lora multi-SF channel 2> radio 0, IF 0 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12
Lora multi-SF channel 3> radio 0, IF 200000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12
Lora multi-SF channel 4> radio 1, IF -300000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12
Lora multi-SF channel 5> radio 1, IF -100000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12
Lora multi-SF channel 6> radio 1, IF 100000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12
Lora multi-SF channel 7> radio 1, IF 300000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12
Lora std channel> radio 0, IF 300000 Hz, 500000 Hz bw, SF 8
FSK channel 8 disabled

while basic station uses radio 0 for most channels and has a different center frequency for radio 1 although the end frequency still calculate the same as lora packet forwarder’s.

Bandwidth is also set to 0.

rxrfchain 0: enable=1 freq=902.7MHz rssi_offset=-166.000000 type=2 tx_enable=1 tx_notch_freq=0
rxrfchain 1: enable=1 freq=903.7MHz rssi_offset=-166.000000 type=2 tx_enable=0 tx_notch_freq=0
ifchain 0: enable=1 rf_chain=0 freq=-400000 bandwidth=0 datarate=0 sync_word=0/0
ifchain 1: enable=1 rf_chain=0 freq=-200000 bandwidth=0 datarate=0 sync_word=0/0
ifchain 2: enable=1 rf_chain=0 freq=0 bandwidth=0 datarate=0 sync_word=0/0
ifchain 3: enable=1 rf_chain=0 freq=200000 bandwidth=0 datarate=0 sync_word=0/0
ifchain 4: enable=1 rf_chain=0 freq=300000 bandwidth=0 datarate=0 sync_word=0/0
ifchain 5: enable=1 rf_chain=0 freq=400000 bandwidth=0 datarate=0 sync_word=0/0
ifchain 6: enable=1 rf_chain=1 freq=-400000 bandwidth=0 datarate=0 sync_word=0/0
ifchain 7: enable=1 rf_chain=1 freq=-200000 bandwidth=0 datarate=0 sync_word=0/0
ifchain 8: enable=1 rf_chain=0 freq=300000 bandwidth=1 datarate=4 sync_word=0/0
ifchain 9: enable=0 rf_chain=0 freq=0 bandwidth=0 datarate=0 sync_word=0/0

I’m not sure if this is possible but maybe radio 0 is being overloaded?

I’ve also tried using semtech’s network server and everything seems well but the DR is automatically set to 3 instead of 4 despite the network’s server support for US915’s channel 65 which is DR4 along with my gateway and node all in one room with no visible obstacle between each other.