Baud rate issues and boot loader issues

i was working with rak3127 using arduino ide, used ver of 4.0.5  after uploading an 2nd time code, an error occurred with uploading of code, attached an error image, and also facing issues using st link , and also tried with st cube programmer , 

while i am using wistool box with the same module, it showing an notification that device is not in RUI mode it is in BINARY MODE , or an firmware issues

how to over come the above issues, almost 2 of my modules got this issues, while using customize code, i am following the schematic layout as used in the datasheet , kindly help me to clear the issues, FTA of the above mentioned error

Screenshot 2024-02-03 103833

I think the error has nothing to do with ChirpStack.
You need to press BOOT button to set the STM32 board to boot mode to load the boot loader.

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It is better to ask your questions in the RAK support channels :slight_smile: