Build chirpstack 4.4.3 from source

Please help with detailed guide to build chirpstack 4.4.3 from source,I was able to make docker-devshell and then make build Ui ,but unable to build the final binaries. Makr release-amd64 from devshell gives error.
Please give the step by step guide to build from source.

Please see: GitHub - chirpstack/chirpstack: ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN Network Server.

Hi Btocaar,

I have seen that,I was able to make the nix-devshell but cannot go further.
Please give steps to build the docker image.

Thanks so much for all the hard work and continual support.

Without knowing why it doesn’t work, it is hard to help you. The documented steps work for me :slight_smile:

You can also take a look at the GitHub CI workflow, which compiles all the statics + Docker images:

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