Cannot receive application data but MQTT topics form gateway can be found


I am using the ChirpStack Network server stack on Raspberry pi 4 with Kerlink Wirnet Station 923 as gateway. I also using B-L072Z-LRWAN Lora as terminal device.

I installed and set up network-server, gateway-bridge, application-server and Kerlink gateway packet forwarder. Though all setting had been done, no application data can be found from gateway. I can see something in MQTT topics using mosquitto_sub -v – t “gateway/#” but no activity by using mosquitto_sub -v -t “application/”. So I think gateway connection is OK but something is wrong in application-server configuration or settings or other unexpected issue.
Please give me suggestions for solving this problem. I also put server logs to followings.


uplink received by unknown gateway ctx_id=b1515d39-0416-42ed-ac70-b5dd9d966e74 gateway_id=7276ff000b031874

You might want to add your gateway first to ChirpStack :slight_smile:

Hi, thank you very much for answer my question.
I think I’ve already added gateway information to ChirpStack, but I will read ChirpStack documentation again and confirm server settings.
Unfortunately, I cannot access ChirptStack Serever system now because I am in summer vacation. My response will be 2 weeks later.
