Cannot see gateway Wifx L1 on chirpstack v4 (docker)

Hello I am fairly new to the lorawan. I have installed chirpstack gateway bridge on Wifx L1 and i am using the docker compose to run Chirpstack v4 on my laptop. I have configured the chirpstack gateway bridge on the gateway GUI with the ip of my laptop [tcp://my-ip:1883], created rules on my laptop firewall to open port 1883 and 1700, created the gateway on chirpstack GUI, but the gateway is “never seen”. Can someone please provide me with some advice?

Have you configured your MQTT topic prefix in your gateway bridge? What region are you using? Did you enable the region in your chirpstack.toml?

Are you getting any errors in the Chirpstack logs?

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What do you mean it did connect? Problem solved?

ohh so sorry it *did not connect (i deleted the post with the mistake). Can you please tell me more about the MQTT topic prefix… what is the correct syntax for eu868 and where to change that? in chirpstack file? or on the gateway? Because on the Wifx L1 GUI, i can hardly change anything for the MQTT topic.

When your Gateway Bridge posts events (such as uplinks, stats, etc…) to your Chirpstack’s MQTT broker it publishes to topics with the format:

So for eu868 it should look like:


The file you need to change is chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml. Although you might be able to change it on the gateway UI, what are the options?

For reference, this is from the Ubuntu install guide (where it assumes the GW bridge is on your server):

"The configuration file is located at /etc/chirpstack-gateway-bridge/chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml. Please update the [integration.mqtt] section to match the region prefix for the region that applies to this ChirpStack Gateway Bridge instance.

Example for EU868:

event_topic_template="eu868/gateway/{{ .GatewayID }}/event/{{ .EventType }}"
command_topic_template="eu868/gateway/{{ .GatewayID }}/command/#"

You can find the region configurations that are included by default here: chirpstack/chirpstack/configuration at master · chirpstack/chirpstack · GitHub. "