Can't delete gateway

Hi there,

I am currently unable to delete a gateway via UI. The delete button stays greyed out when I type in the name to confirm. The specific gateway has a space at the end of the name, probably an input error. If I try to delete a gateway without a space at the end, it works fine. Is this a bug in the UI?

'xxx_gateway ’ → not deletable
‘xxx_gateway’ → deletable

Is there anyway I can get around this? I tried to delete the gateway via http request without much success.

I deleted the whole tenant now. It works but is a bit of a pain obviously.

If you think this is a bug, then please create an issue here with all the steps to reproduce the issue so that I or somebody else can look into this:

While trying to reproduce the problem, I found the actual issue.
The names do not have a space at the end, but a tab. This gets displayed as a singular space in the Chirpstack UI.


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