Cellular data consumption


I am writing so i can your return about using cellular data to forward the packages to the network server.

1.4 Gb have been used in 3 days wich parameters should we changhe to optimise the data consumption

1.4 Gb for 3 days is huge. For me, this is hard to believe that this traffic is coming from LoRaWAN packets and stats only.
Are you using an agent (like MQTT forwarder or Gateway Bridge) on the gateway, or connecting the gateway directly through UDP to a common Gateway Bridge instance?
Are you sure that your gateway is not executing others tasks that could explain this traffic?

As mentioned, that’s insane for anything LoRaWAN related. I would turn off any devices connected to the gateway and started debugging the gateway itself.

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i didnt install any gateway bridge, i am using the Multitech mtcap l4e1. i hoipe i answered correctly your question. a ctually i am using a network server provided by our partner giving us access to to the application.
In adddition to that a big proportion of this huge data volume has been used while therewere non end device.

a big part of this data volume has been used without any end device.

As others have said, 1.4 GB is huge. On gateways with ~100 devices transmitting hourly, we’re seeing around 50mb/month.

Firstly check that there’s nothing else running on the gateway that could be causing data usage apart from the packet forwarder.

Check the keepalive and stats intervals (i typically have 60 second keepalives and 300 second stats), this helps reduce consumptions vs the default which i think is 10s/60s. If your gateway is supported, i would highly recommend running chirpstack-gateway-bridge and using protobuf instead of json as it greatly reduces the data size being pushed to chirpstack.

Also, is anything plugged into the ethernet port of the gateway?

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i dont think there is something running other than packet forwarder, unless i didn’t check where i should.

I’ve modified the keepalive and stat interevals, data consumption has been reduced for sure but we are around 70 mb after 3 hours of running

as far as the chirpstack gateway bridge is concerned the gateway i am using supports it, but since i do not have access to the network server wich is provided to us by a partner.
Do you think i can run it ?

You should change inmediately your uplink frequency as minimum.

Then as someone suggested I would start studying my gateway traffic and configurations.

I have got some applications including LoRaWAN monitoring and control, and they use up to 1.5 Gb in a couple of months! And we have several sensors reporting…

Something wrong is happening for sure

Can you please refer some documents that could help studying the gateway traffic.

Thanks a lot

Data is too much for lora only.

I would contact support.multitech.com check Administration > Remote Management to see if DeviceHq is enabled and the gw is uploading logs on every boot?