Changes coming to ChirpStack

I have not yet integrated the Azure IoT Hub for ChirpStack v4 and the first ChirpStack v4 version will not support it (same with GCP Cloud IoT Core). As soon as the first ChirpStack v4 stable is out, this will be one of my first priorities to integrate.

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Thanks for your improvements on the v4, Chirpstack improves quickly.

What about the downlink frame logging to a persistent storage like postgresql ? I think its a good time to implement the device down event. The downlink frames should be in the loradatastore like the uplink frames. I develop my own downlink event in Chirpstack v3, our tenants need it. If you wont implement the downlink event, I will do it again in Chirpstack V4 with Rust. I think this is a point that should be reconsidered.

Again, I can help you on the development of this feature if you want.

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I tried the way you said, but it didn’t work. When I add a new locale file, it does not take effect - #3 by gluhar

Did you modify chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml?

it should include this:

event_topic_template="cn470/gateway/{{ .GatewayID }}/event/{{ .EventType }}"
state_topic_template="cn470/gateway/{{ .GatewayID }}/state/{{ .StateType }}"
command_topic_template="cn470/gateway/{{ .GatewayID }}/command/#"

After I modified it like you said, it still doesn’t work. The configuration took effect. The CN470 model selection still hasn’t appeared

chirpstack_1                       | Aug 26 10:25:37.022  INFO chirpstack::gateway::backend::mqtt: Connected to MQTT broker region_name=cn470
chirpstack_1                       | Aug 26 10:25:37.022  INFO chirpstack::gateway::backend::mqtt: Subscribing to gateway event topic region_name=cn470 event_topic=cn470/gateway/+/event/+

I did another test, deleting the file ISm2400. toml and deleting ISm2400 in Chirpstack. toml. However, ISM2400 still exists in the region selection box of Add Device Profile. So, I guess they are not related, or I take a wrong way.

chirpstack.toml as follow


(I don’t know why I can’t upload pictures)

can you post contents of your chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml file?

Also, I assume you are rebooting/restarting after the change?

I’m using docker-compose. I restart after every configuration.
If possible,you can visit my web.

# See for a full
# configuration example and documentation.


event_topic_template="cn470/gateway/{{ .GatewayID }}/event/{{ .EventType }}"
state_topic_template="cn470/gateway/{{ .GatewayID }}/state/{{ .StateType }}"
command_topic_template="cn470/gateway/{{ .GatewayID }}/command/#"

You have this at the bottom?


also, add the gateway only after you have the right configuration not before

I don’t know why all regions are active in the web except CN470. After toml file of CN470 is added,you can see related logs shown when server is starting. It means CN470 was parsed,but just didn’t appear in the web.

So maybe there’s something wrong with typescript code of frontend.

Let me check on this, it might be that I forgot to add it or forgot to merge this into the master branch. Let me check…

Thank you for your attention and reply! Besides, I have confirmed that the versions of servers I use are the latest, which are listed below:
Looking forward to the improvement.

I just merged the CN470 configuration into the master branch (Add missing CN470 configuration. ¡ chirpstack/chirpstack@0fa4071 ¡ GitHub). This will be included in the next (RC) release.

Has anyone gotten V4 working with Semtech Basic Station?
I was able to easily use SBS with the older 3.1x installations, but I’m having trouble figuring out how to convert my V4 install over.
Seems like the V4 install uses the legacy Semtech forwarder by default.


Not much has changed with regards to the Basics Station support in v4. It is important however to confirm that your MQTT topic configuration matches. The default configuration uses a region prefix, to support multiple regions using the same MQTT broker.

I am attempting to enable SBS by following these certificate installation instructions:

The problem I ran into is here in the documentation:

Update the following configuration sections in the chirpstack.toml configuration file:

[gateway] section:


[integration.mqtt.client] section:


The specified sections of chirpstack.toml:
Do NOT exist.
At least not in the version of chirpstack.toml that was installed following these instructions:

Do I need to create these sections - or is this the wrong file to be modifying?


You can add the sections you need, see for examples

OK - your advice got me even further along.
I am now able to generate certs for my gateways from the UI - and connect my gateways via SBS on port 8090 on my server.

At least it looks like the gateway is connecting OK.
(The gateway isn’t complaining that the server isn’t reachable on 8090)

However - after following this step:
“Configure Mosquitto”

The Mosquitto server was no longer running.

I suspect this was due to: “Depending your setup, you might need to modify the ownership and / or permissions of the created directory and files”

So - I chown’d the certs etc to belong to mosquitto and tried again.

That seemed to work - since this simple test passed:

mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t “#” -v -d

Client (null) sending CONNECT
Client (null) received CONNACK (0)
Client (null) sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: #, QoS: 0, Options: 0x00)
Client (null) received SUBACK
Subscribed (mid: 1): 0
Client (null) received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0, ‘gateway/c0ee40ffff29d9ce/state/conn’, … (18 bytes))
gateway/c0ee40ffff29d9ce/state/conn c0ee40ffff29d9ce
Client (null) received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0, ‘gateway/c0ee40ffff2960dc/state/conn’, … (18 bytes))
gateway/c0ee40ffff2960dc/state/conn c0ee40ffff2960dc
^CClient (null) sending DISCONNECT

The message above are old - nothing is actually able to connect now.
I have tried using port 8090 with wss and the gateway keeps complaining that it can’t connect now.

I am not sure what else I can try.
