Changing frame log max history count on Device Data screen

I can see that there is a max frame log history counter in ns.toml that controls frame history on device’s Lorawan Frames screen in Application Server. But I couldn’t see a similar variable for device’s Device Data screen in Application Server. Is there any option to control it ?
If not I can help to develop it.

taken from configuration page on the NS documentation:

  # Device frame-log max history.
  # When set to a value > 0, ChirpStack Network Server will log all uplink and
  # downlink frames associated to a device as a Redis stream for the
  # consumption by external applications (e.g. for monitoring purposes) Note
  # that only uplinks passing the MIC and frame-counter tests will be published.
  # The configured value will be used as approximate amount of frames which
  # will be kept in the stream.
  # The following Redis key is used:
  # 'lora:ns:device:stream:frame'

  # Per device frame-log max history.
  # Equal to the device_frame_log_max_history, but it has the device DevEUI
  # in the Redis key. This feature is used by the ChirpStack Application Server
  # web-interface.

  # Gateway frame-log max history.
  # When set to a value > 0, ChirpStack Network Server will log all uplink and
  # downlink frames received by the gateways as a Redis stream  for the
  # consumption by external applications (e.g. for monitoring purposes). Note
  # that all data reported by the gateways will be published.
  # The configured value will be used as approximate amount of frames which
  # will be kept in the stream.
  # The following Redis key is used:
  # 'lora:ns:gw:stream:frame'

  # Per gateway frame-log max history.
  # Equal to the gateway_frame_log_max_history, but it has the GatewayID
  # in the Redis key. This feature is used by the ChirpStack Application Server
  # web-interface.
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  # Per device event-log max history.
  # When set to > 0, ChirpStack Application Server will log events per device
  # to a Redis Stream. This feature is used by the web-interface.

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