Hi there,
I use NodeRED to send messages to a Kuando LED. After upgrading to 4.11.0, the first message is received and the LED illuminated to the colour I want. Any further messages are queued and not sent. The messages are marked as not pending. I send messages with a non-confirmed flag too.
This code has worked for months and months.
I guess something has changed?
Can someone help?
Hi, I just updated today from v4.9.0 to v4.11 and I have noticed the same problem.
I can also see that my device only logs one RX-slot after the first TX transmissions, this is not seen before!?
update: I reverted back to 4.9 and it works again.
I might be mistaken on the device logging, I can se the same behavior on 4.9, but when there is a downlink payload it logs it correct.
Hi @tomas - thank you for the information - hopefully a developer or @brocaar can take a look and fix it.
Hi @Dave, how do you run your gateway?
Packet forward UDP or MQTT, or?
Hi @tomas
I’m using a Multitech AP gateway with the Chirpstack MQTT forwarder installed, sending data to an embedded linux box (Siemens IOT2050) with Chirpstack 4.11.
Hope that helps - Dave
I removed Chirpstack v4.11.0, then went back to Chirpstack v 4.10.1, soon as chirpstack was started everything worked again.
Hey there, have you checked your redis server version?
We had problems that we gut duplicated downlink frame-counter on our devices and no response packets were visible in the web-ui - upgrading redis to a version of 7.4.1 (ubuntu server) solved our issue.
See also our initial report: Downlink Frame Counter (application) not increasing · Issue #605 · chirpstack/chirpstack · GitHub
And the issue that brought us to our solution: Issue with Duplicate Packets on Different Frequencies After Upgrading to v4.11.0 - #6 by landinger
I may be having the same issue as you - my queue fills up, Downlinks are not processed. Have to manually flush. I am also on Chirpstack 4.11.0
Upgrade redis-server 6.2.3 or above!
Hi all - All working again!
I’ve taken your advice and upgraded REDIS. I used the simple instructions here: Install Redis on Linux | Docs
I’ve upgraded from 6.0.16 to 7.4.1.
All my class-c messages are being processed as before.