Chirpstack-application-server failed to start

I tried to install chirpstack server in Raspberry pi 3 ,
The Chirpstack-app-server is not starting …

what did i miss…!!

journalctl -u chirpstack-application-server -f -n 50

Are you using the same database for Chirpstack network Server and Chirpstack App Server? They must use separate databases.

P.S. don’t use the pics please, just cut and paste plane text logs here.

sry for pics…

how to see that they are using same database or different?

in your app and network server .toml files.

In chirpstack-network-server and in app-server the below line is same…

what change should i do?

can u please sent your’s?

read the docs first

all installation and configuration steps are described in.
pay attention to initial postgresql creating an user and database chapter for both.

ok i got it … Chirpstack-application server is not running in latest raspberry pi os…

i tried with the 2018 version… Everything is working fine now…
