Chirpstack-concentrator SX1302 stuck in 'Starting the concentrator' loop

Hi All,

I am running Chirpstack on a RAK7394C with RPi4 and RAK2287 SX1302 Concentrator which communicate via SPI interface. The issue is that the Concentrator never finalises starting procedure and is stuck in a loop. After the configuration the log output should show INFO: [main] concentrator started, packet can now be received, but it never does. Instead of that, the Starting Concentrator restarts again without any error. The log level is set to ‘TRACE’. The gateway status shows online in the ChirpStack Network Server and LoRaWAN frames are not received.

Here are logs from the chirpstack-concenratord start:

root@chirpstack-061ca7:~# /usr/bin/chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302 -c /var/etc/chirpstack-concentratord/concentratord.toml -c /var/etc/chirpstack-concentratord/region.toml -c /var/etc/chirpstack-concentratord/channels.toml
2023-12-14T15:51:41.374Z INFO  [libconcentratord::reset] Configuring reset pin, dev: /dev/gpiochip0, pin: 17
2023-12-14T15:51:41.374Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::cmd::root] Starting Concentratord SX1302 (version: 4.3.4, docs:
2023-12-14T15:51:41.374Z INFO  [libconcentratord::reset] Triggering sx1302 reset
2023-12-14T15:51:41.575Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Setting i2c device path, path: /dev/i2c-1
2023-12-14T15:51:41.575Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Setting board configuration, lorawan_public: true, clock_source: 0, com_type: Spi, com_path: /dev/spidev0.0
2023-12-14T15:51:41.575Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Setting up fine timestamp, enable: false
2023-12-14T15:51:41.575Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 12, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 4
2023-12-14T15:51:41.575Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 13, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 5
2023-12-14T15:51:41.575Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 14, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 6
2023-12-14T15:51:41.575Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 15, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 7
2023-12-14T15:51:41.575Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 16, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 8
2023-12-14T15:51:41.575Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 17, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 9
2023-12-14T15:51:41.575Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 18, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 10
2023-12-14T15:51:41.575Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 19, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 11
2023-12-14T15:51:41.575Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 20, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 12
2023-12-14T15:51:41.575Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 21, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 13
2023-12-14T15:51:41.575Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 22, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 14
2023-12-14T15:51:41.575Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 23, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 16
2023-12-14T15:51:41.575Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 24, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 17
2023-12-14T15:51:41.576Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 25, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 18
2023-12-14T15:51:41.576Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 26, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 19
2023-12-14T15:51:41.576Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 27, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 22
2023-12-14T15:51:41.576Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Setting up concentrator channels
2023-12-14T15:51:41.576Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring radio, radio: 0, enabled: true, center_freq: 867500000, type: SX1250
2023-12-14T15:51:41.576Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring radio, radio: 1, enabled: true, center_freq: 868500000, type: SX1250
2023-12-14T15:51:41.576Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Setting up concentrator channels
2023-12-14T15:51:41.576Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 0, enabled: true, freq: 868100000, rf_chain: 1, if_freq: -400000
2023-12-14T15:51:41.576Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 1, enabled: true, freq: 868300000, rf_chain: 1, if_freq: -200000
2023-12-14T15:51:41.576Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 2, enabled: true, freq: 868500000, rf_chain: 1, if_freq: 0
2023-12-14T15:51:41.576Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 3, enabled: true, freq: 867100000, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: -400000
2023-12-14T15:51:41.576Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 4, enabled: true, freq: 867300000, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: -200000
2023-12-14T15:51:41.576Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 5, enabled: true, freq: 867500000, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: 0
2023-12-14T15:51:41.576Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 6, enabled: true, freq: 867700000, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: 200000
2023-12-14T15:51:41.576Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 7, enabled: true, freq: 867900000, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: 400000
2023-12-14T15:51:41.576Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring Std LoRa channel, enabled: true, freq: 868300000, rf_chain: 1, if_freq: -200000
2023-12-14T15:51:41.576Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring FSK channel, enabled: true, freq: 868800000, rf_chain: 1, if_freq: 300000
2023-12-14T15:51:41.576Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Starting the concentrator
Opening SPI communication interface
Note: chip version is 0x10 (v1.0)
INFO: Configuring SX1250_0 in single input mode
INFO: using legacy timestamp
INFO: LoRa Service modem: configuring preamble size to 8 symbols
ARB: dual demodulation disabled for all SF
2023-12-14T15:51:44.119Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Getting gateway EUI
2023-12-14T15:51:44.120Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::cmd::root] Gateway ID retrieved, gateway_id: "0016c001f10ac92a"
2023-12-14T15:51:44.120Z INFO  [libconcentratord::jitqueue] Initializing JIT queue, capacity: 32
2023-12-14T15:51:44.121Z INFO  [libconcentratord::events] Creating socket for publishing events, bind: ipc:///tmp/concentratord_event
2023-12-14T15:51:44.121Z INFO  [libconcentratord::commands] Creating socket for receiving commands, bind: ipc:///tmp/concentratord_command
2023-12-14T15:51:44.122Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::handler::uplink] Starting uplink handle loop
2023-12-14T15:51:44.122Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::handler::jit] Starting JIT queue loop
2023-12-14T15:51:44.122Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::handler::command] Starting command handler loop
2023-12-14T15:51:44.122Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::handler::stats] Starting stats loop, stats_interval: 30s
2023-12-14T15:52:14.123Z INFO  [libconcentratord::events] Publishing stats event, rx_received: 0, rx_received_ok: 0, tx_received: 0, tx_emitted: 0
2023-12-14T15:52:14.139Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::handler::jit] Received stop signal, signal: Configuration
2023-12-14T15:52:14.139Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::handler::stats] Received stop signal, signal: Configuration
2023-12-14T15:52:14.139Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::handler::jit] JIT loop ended
2023-12-14T15:52:14.139Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::handler::stats] Stats loop ended
2023-12-14T15:52:14.143Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::handler::uplink] Received stop signal, signal: Configuration
2023-12-14T15:52:14.144Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::handler::uplink] Uplink loop ended
2023-12-14T15:52:14.239Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::handler::command] Received stop signal, signal: Configuration
2023-12-14T15:52:14.239Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::handler::command] Command loop ended
2023-12-14T15:52:14.239Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Stopping the concentrator
Closing SPI communication interface
2023-12-14T15:52:14.243Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::handler::config] Updating concentrator configuration
2023-12-14T15:52:14.243Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::cmd::root] Starting Concentratord SX1302 (version: 4.3.4, docs:
2023-12-14T15:52:14.243Z INFO  [libconcentratord::reset] Triggering sx1302 reset
2023-12-14T15:52:14.443Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Setting i2c device path, path: /dev/i2c-1
2023-12-14T15:52:14.443Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Setting board configuration, lorawan_public: true, clock_source: 0, com_type: Spi, com_path: /dev/spidev0.0
2023-12-14T15:52:14.443Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Setting up fine timestamp, enable: false
2023-12-14T15:52:14.443Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 12, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 4
2023-12-14T15:52:14.443Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 13, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 5
2023-12-14T15:52:14.443Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 14, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 6
2023-12-14T15:52:14.443Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 15, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 7
2023-12-14T15:52:14.443Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 16, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 8
2023-12-14T15:52:14.443Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 17, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 9
2023-12-14T15:52:14.443Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 18, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 10
2023-12-14T15:52:14.443Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 19, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 11
2023-12-14T15:52:14.443Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 20, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 12
2023-12-14T15:52:14.444Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 21, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 13
2023-12-14T15:52:14.444Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 22, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 14
2023-12-14T15:52:14.444Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 23, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 16
2023-12-14T15:52:14.444Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 24, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 17
2023-12-14T15:52:14.444Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 25, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 18
2023-12-14T15:52:14.444Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 26, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 19
2023-12-14T15:52:14.444Z DEBUG [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 27, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 22
2023-12-14T15:52:14.444Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Setting up concentrator channels
2023-12-14T15:52:14.444Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring radio, radio: 0, enabled: true, center_freq: 867500000, type: SX1250
2023-12-14T15:52:14.444Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring radio, radio: 1, enabled: true, center_freq: 868500000, type: SX1250
2023-12-14T15:52:14.444Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Setting up concentrator channels
2023-12-14T15:52:14.444Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 0, enabled: true, freq: 868100000, rf_chain: 1, if_freq: -400000
2023-12-14T15:52:14.444Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 1, enabled: true, freq: 868300000, rf_chain: 1, if_freq: -200000
2023-12-14T15:52:14.444Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 2, enabled: true, freq: 868500000, rf_chain: 1, if_freq: 0
2023-12-14T15:52:14.444Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 3, enabled: true, freq: 867100000, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: -400000
2023-12-14T15:52:14.444Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 4, enabled: true, freq: 867300000, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: -200000
2023-12-14T15:52:14.444Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 5, enabled: true, freq: 867500000, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: 0
2023-12-14T15:52:14.444Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 6, enabled: true, freq: 867700000, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: 200000
2023-12-14T15:52:14.444Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 7, enabled: true, freq: 867900000, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: 400000
2023-12-14T15:52:14.444Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring Std LoRa channel, enabled: true, freq: 868300000, rf_chain: 1, if_freq: -200000
2023-12-14T15:52:14.444Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring FSK channel, enabled: true, freq: 868800000, rf_chain: 1, if_freq: 300000
2023-12-14T15:52:14.444Z INFO  [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Starting the concentrator
Opening SPI communication interface

The content for the gateway config is the following:


cat /var/etc/chirpstack-concentratord/concentratord.toml




cat /var/etc/chirpstack-concentratord/region.toml 
# Beacon configuration.
# This requires a gateway with GPS / GNSS.

# Compulsory RFU size.

# Beacon frequency / frequencies (Hz).

# Bandwidth (Hz).

# Spreading factor.

# TX power.


cat /var/etc/chirpstack-concentratord/channels.toml 
# LoRa concentrator configuration.

# Multi spreading-factor channels (LoRa).

# LoRa std channel (single spreading-factor).

# FSK channel.

Currently, I have no idea how to proceed with this issue. Can you please help me with that?

You may have better luck on RAK forums, as this is ‘t really a Chripstack issue.